José Antonio Giménez Micó,  Ph.D.         Curriculum Vitae

Updated March 2025   

CCSL Award Night, April 3, 2014

CCSL Award Night, April 3, 2014

Professor EmeritusHispanic and Latin American StudiesConcordia U.
Retired since June 2022
Past President of the  Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),  2004-2006
Past Vice-President, 2003-2004 and 2006-2007
Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL) Outstanding Contribution Award, 2014
Nominated by the Hispanic Studies Graduate Students Association (HSGSA);  awarded  by the  CCSL

Word  and  PDF  versions of this CV


José Antonio Giménez Micó,  PhD
     Past President of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_2004-06
     Past Vice-President,_2003-2004 and 2006-07
Professor Emeritus, Hispanic and Latin American Studies
Department of Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics
Faculty of Arts and Science
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec



    Master's Research_(U. de Buenos Aires,_Cátedra de Lingüística Interdisciplinaria).
    Under the supervision of Roberto Bein._


Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Experience at Concordia University
    Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies_(Concordia U.,_Department of Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics),  since 2014; Associate Professor: 2003-2014; Assistant Professor, Winter 1998 and 2000-2003. Courses:
    • Span241._"Intermediate Spanish I" (Fall 2017)
    • Span301._"Advanced Grammar and Composition I"_(Fall 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003)
    • Span301._"Grammar and the Process of Writing I"_(Fall 2004, 2005, 2007, and_2011)
    • Span302._"Advanced Grammar and Composition II"_(Winter 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004)
    • Span302._"Grammar and the Process of Writing II"_(Winter 2005, 2006, and 2008;  Fall 2013and 2014)
    • Span303._"Critical Reading of Hispanic Texts" (Winter 2008, 2009, and 2010; Fall 2012, 2013; Winter 2017, 2018;  Fall 2018; Fall 2020; Fall 2021)
    • Span310._"Conquest and Empire: Spanish Literature from the 12th to the 17th Centuries" (Fall 2015 and Fall 2016)
    • Span320.  "Defining Difference in Spanish America: Literature from 1500 to 1880" (Fall 2008)
    • Span321.  "Survey of Spanish-American Literature"_(Winter 1998)
    • Span321.  "Identity and Independence in Spanish America: Literature from 1880 to the Present" (Winter 2009,  2016, 2017, and 2018; Fall 2019)
    • Span403._"Methods of Literary Analysis"_(Winter 2003, Honours tutorial for Carmen Ruiz-Navia)
    • Span403._"Methods of Literary Analysis"_(Fall 2003, Honours tutorial for Mélanie Boutet)
    • Span420._"The Generation of 1898"_(Fall 2003)
    • Span423._"Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Literature before 1960"_(Summer 2003)
    • Span424._"Twentieth-Century Spanish-American Literature from 1960 to the Present"_(Winter 1998, Summer 2002)
    • Span443._"The Spanish-American 'Boom' and its Predecessors, 1950-1980"_(Fall 2005 and 2008; Winter 2011 and  2013; Fall 2017)
    • Span450._"The Spanish-American Short Story"_(Fall 2001)
    • Span450._"The Short Narrative in Spain and Spanish America"_(Winter 2005)
    • Span464._"Issues in Spanish-American Civilization"_(Winter 1998, 2001, 2002 and 2003)
    • Span464._"Current Issues in the Hispanic Cultures: Spanish America"_(Winter 2006, 2010, 2012,  and  2014;  Fall 2018; Fall 2020)
    • Span467._"The Avant-Gardes in Spanish America and Spain and their Repercussions in the Arts"_(Fall 2004 and 2007; Winter 2011  and  2014; Fall 2019)
    • Span470._"Spanish America: Testimonio Discourse"_(Winter 2012)
    • Span470/Span664._"Spanish America: Testimonio Discourse"_(Fall 2016, B.A./M.A. course)
    • Span471._"The Art of Persuasion: the Hispanic Essay"_(Fall 2015; Fall 2021)
    • Span472._"Discourses of Discovery, Colonization, and Resistance in Spain and Spanish America" (Fall 2012)
    • Span480._"Discourses of/on Mexican Identity"_(Winter 2003, Honours tutorial for Ximena Osegueda)
    • Span480._"Mary Ellen Davis' Filmography on Guatemala"_(Summer 2003, Honours tutorial for Mélanie Boutet)
    • Span480._"Neozapatismo, Revolutionary Thought and Praxis"_(Fall 2004, Honours tutorial for Karine Gaulin);
    • Span480._"Ethnical and Political Identity in Vargas Llosa's Work"_(Winter 2005, Honours tutorial for Ruth Liliana Malpartida Meza)
    • Span480._"Women and Violence. The Problem of Femicide in Mexico and Guatemala"_(Winter 2013, B.A. tutorial for Ève Haoua Sidibe)
    • Span480.  "Concentration Camp Testimonials in the Southern Cone" (Summer 2017, B.A. tutorial for Camille Russell Paulino Ramírez)
    • Span480.  "Formalizing the Informal: Analyzing the Effects of Economic Policies in Medellín, 2020" (Summer 2020, B.A. tutorial for Francis Will)
    • Span481._"The Fantastic in Hispanic Literatures"_(Fall 2002, Honours tutorial for Enrique González)
    • Span490._"Honours Essay"_(Winter 2003, Honours tutorial for Enrique González)
    • Span490._"Honours Essay"_(Winter 2003, Honours tutorial for Carmen Ruiz-Navia)
    • Span490._"Honours Essay"_(Fall 2003, Honours tutorial for Mélanie Boutet)
    • Span490._"Honours Essay"_(Fall 2006, Honours tutorial for Ruth Liliana Malpartida Meza)
    • Span490._"Honours Essay"_(Fall 2006, Honours tutorial for Katia Karen García Gómez)
    • Span490._"Honours Essay"_(Winter  2008, Honours tutorial for Luis Henríquez)
    • Span490.  "Honours Essay" (Winter 2010, Honours tutorial for Vanessa Lefebvre-Rivard)
    • Span490. "Honours Essay" (Winter 2010, Honours tutorial for Marcelo Adriano Valencia Saravia)
    • Span490. "Honours Essay: La Onda, Mexican Literary Movement: its Relations with Culture and Power" (Fall 2016, Honours tutorial for Edgar Lazo Cornejo)
    • Span491._"Theory and Methods of Literary Analysis" (Fall 2003, Honours tutorial for Katia García Gómez)
    • Span491._"Theory and Methods of Literary Analysis"_(Winter 2003, Honours tutorial for Carmen Ruiz-Navia)
    • Span491._"Theory and Methods of Literary Analysis" (Fall 2007, Honours tutorial for Luis Henríquez)
    • Span491. "Theory and Methods of Literary Analysis" (Fall 2009, Honours tutorial for Vanessa Lefebvre-Rivard)
    • Span491. "Theory and Methods of Literary Analysis" (Fall 2009, Honours tutorial for Marcelo Adriano Valencia Saravia)
    • Span495._"The Cultural Influence of Cien años de soledad" (Winter 2009, B.A. tutorial for Joanie Laporte)
    • Span495. Specialization Project (Winter 2011, B.A. tutorial for Elizabeth El-Maalouf)
    • Span495. Specialization Project (Winter 2011, B.A. tutorial for Hélène Hussain)
    • Span495. Specialization Project: "Vexillological History of the Spanish-Speaking Countries" (Winter 2014, B.A. tutorial for Alex Garofolo)
    • Span495. Specialization Project:  " 'Insistir, persistir, resistir y nunca desistir': una aproximación al caso de las lenguas mayas habladas en Guatemala"  (Fall 2014, B.A. tutorial for Anna-Maria Toncu-Chirita)
    • Span495. Specialization Project (Winter 2016, B.A. tutorial for Fanny Poudrier-Tremblay)
    • Span498K._"Perspectives - Teaching Spanish" (collaborative teaching course with Luis Ochoa [coordinator], Hugh Hazelton and Bradley Nelson, Fall 2001)
    • Span601. "Discourse Analysis and Research Methods"  (Winter 2016,  M.A. course)
    • Span622._"In-Depth Reporting in Spanish Oral Presentations and Written Submissions"_(Winter 2003, M.A. tutorial for Carmen Puga-Peña)
    • Span633S._"The Inscription of Orality and Cultural Diversity in Latin American Literature"_(Fall 2004-Winter 2005, M.A. tutorial for Lidia Cuccia)
    • Span644/Huma876._"Decolonial Thought"_(Fall 2014,  M.A./Ph.D. course)
    • Span662._"Plebeian Interpellation and Subalternity"_(Fall 2011, Winter 2013, M.A. course)
    • Span664/470._"Spanish America: Testimonio Discourse"_(Fall 2016)
    • Span682. "Conciencia e intencionalidad en Gallego, novela-testimonio de Miguel Barnet"  (Summer 2018, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Nathalie Roy)
    • Span682. "Una lectura lockeana de un cuento cortazariano/A Lockean reading of Julio Cortázar's Axolotl' "  (Summer 2017, co-supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Louise Sheils)
    • Span682. "La tierra y la sombra: cuerpo, espacio y enfermedad"  (Winter 2017, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Nadia Silva Hurtado)
    • Span682. "Ambigüedad y abyección de la mirada colonial en La ruta de Arturo Barea"  (Winter 2016, evaluation of M.A. research paper by Leonor Pérez Martínez)
    • Span683. "El lugar más triste para soñar: una evidencia literaria sobre la deconstrucción de la identidad desde el exilio"  (Summer 2018, co-supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Paula Ruiz Briones)
    • Span683. "Los límites metafísicos de los personajes ficticios de un cuento neofantástico/Metaphysical Boundaries of Fictional Characters in a Neofantastic Short Story"  (Summer 2017, co-supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Louise Sheils)
    • Span683. "La voz femenina en ¡Que viva la música!: de la contracultura al feminismo"  (Winter 2017, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Nadia Silva Hurtado)
    • Span683._"El Maleconazo desde la perspectiva de la interpelación y de la memoria plebeyas" (Winter 2016, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Vilma Vidal García)
    • Span683._"Interacción, empatía, altruismo, reciprocidad y retribución: una relectura del capítulo XXXIV de El caballero del cisne" (Fall 2016, evaluation of M.A. research paper by Francisco García González)
    • Span694._"Thesis Proposal"_(Fall 2011, M.A. tutorial for Douglas Kristopher Smith co-taught with Hugh Hazelton)
    • Span695._"Thesis"_(Winter 2012, M.A. tutorial for Douglas Kristopher Smith co-taught with Hugh Hazelton)
    • Huma875N. "Literature, Colonialism and Drug Trafficking Culture" (Summer 2014, Study Tutorial for  Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya Humanities Interdisciplinary PhD Program,_Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture)
    • Huma876/Span644._"Decolonial Thought"_(Fall 2014,  M.A./Ph.D. course)
    • Huma885A.  Comprehensive Examination  Major Field (Winter 2014,  Abelardo León DonosoHumanities Interdisciplinary PhD Program,_Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture)
    • Huma885A.  Comprehensive Examination  Major Field (Winter 2017,  Aurelio Meza ValdezHumanities Interdisciplinary PhD Program,_Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture)_

Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Experience at Université Laval and the University of Calgary
Graduate Thesis Supervision
  • Member of the Supervisory Committee, Jennifer Faucher, Ph.D. Individualized Program (Spanish),  School of Graduate StudiesConcordia U.,  since Winter 2016. Title of the dissertation:  "The Role of the Pícaro in the Autobiographical Picaresque Novel from the Spanish Golden Age to its Influences in the Contemporary Culture." 

Graduate Collaborative Teaching

    "Esp-66583. Metodología de la investigación en literaturas hispánicas."_Collaborative teaching course with Emilia Deffis (coordinator), Manuel Español Echevarría, Francisco Jarque Andrés, Louis Jolicoeur, Ricardo Serrano Deza, Ignacio Soldevila Durante, and Luis Thenon. Fall 2003_(U. Laval,_Faculté des Lettres,_Département des littératures)._
    "Esp-66583. Metodología de la investigación en literaturas hispánicas."_Collaborative teaching course with Emilia Deffis (coordinator), Daniel Castillo Durante, Augusto Escobar Mesa, Louis Jolicoeur, Alexandre Sadetsky, Ignacio Soldevila Durante, Luis Thenon, Peter Thompson, and Javier Vargas de Luna. Fall 2005_(U. Laval,_Faculté des Lettres,_Département des littératures).  
 Teaching and Student-Related Awards
    Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL) Outstanding Contribution Award, 2014"Toni, as he prefers to be called, has distinguished himself with a large and outstanding teaching commitment in Hispanic Studies. He has gone above and beyond what is required of him to ensure success in academic student life, proven being an exceptionally reliable, resourceful and dedicated professor not only for Concordia graduate and undergraduate students but also for many former Concordia students in their pursuit of a PhD degree. The Hispanic Studies Graduate Students Association has always counted on him when an advisor is needed. Professor Giménez Micó's outstanding qualities make him a worthy and deserving person to receive this year's Concordia Outstanding Contribution Award." Nominated by the  Hispanic Studies Graduate Students Association (HSGSA);  awarded by the  CCSL._
    Nominated for the 1999-2000_U. of Calgary Students' Union_Teaching Excellence Award, Fall 1999._
International Experience: Peer Teaching
CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) Workshops
"Recursos de TIC para la enseñanza del español." Six-hour workshop about the application of technological resources (PowerPoint, Web-based documentation and exercises, design of Web pages), to the teaching of Spanish, in collaboration with_Luis Ochoa, October 1-2, 2002;_Centro de Recursos del Español de Montreal._
"Aplicación de recursos tecnológicos a la enseñanza del español." Three-hour workshop about the application of technological resources (PowerPoint, PageCreator and WebCT, Web-based documentation and exercises), to the teaching of Spanish, in collaboration with Luis Ochoa, March 27, 2002; for the course of the_U de Montréal_"Esp3720. Espagnol langue étrangère," taught by Carmen Gardelegui, Director of the Governement of Spain's_Centro de Recursos del Español de Montreal._
(See also_Lectures)_
Previous Teaching and Teaching-Related Experience




2019-2021.  Connection Grant, SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada),  GRIPAL  (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine), jointly with the  Maestría de Estudios CulturalesPontificia U. Javeriana  (Bogotá, Colombia). Title of the project: "Violence, populisme et démocratie dans les Amériques."  Main researcher:  Ricardo Peñafiel (Political Science,  U. du Québec à Montréal).  Co-researchers:  Leila Celis (Sociology,  U. du Québec à Montréal),  Marie-Christine Doran  (Political Science,  U. of Ottawa),  José Antonio Giménez Micó (Hispanic and Latin American Studies,  Concordia U.),  Martin Hébert (Anthropology,  U. Laval),  and Eduardo Restrepo (Anthropology and Cultural Studies,  Pontificia U. Javeriana);  several associate researchers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, and Mexico. 

Winter 2019._Leave Research Grant (Concordia U.,_for sabbatical)._

  Programme de soutien aux équipes de recherche,_FRQSC_(Fonds de recherche société et culture, Québec),_GRIPAL  (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine).  Title of the project: "Espaces utopiques, récits et imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine."  Main researcher: Martin Hébert (Anthropology,_U. Laval)._Co-researchers:
Leila Celis (Sociology,_U. du Québec à Montréal),  André Corten (Political Science,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_and José Antonio Giménez Micó_(Hispanic and Latin American Studies,_Concordia U.)(Funded projects: 30%)_
Winter 2015.
_Leave Research Grant (
Concordia U.,_for sabbatical)._
2010-2014._Programme de soutien aux équipes de recherche,_FQRSC_(Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture, Québec),_GRIPAL  (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine). Title of the project: "Expressions politiques de la souffrance en Amérique latine." Main researcher: Martin Hébert (Anthropology,_U. Laval)._Co-researchers: Pierre Beaucage (Anthropology, U. de Montréal),_Michel Carrier (Philosophy,_Collège Édouard-Montpetit), André Corten (Political Science,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_José Antonio Giménez Micó_(Spanish and Latin American Studies,_Concordia U.),_and Kristin Norget (Anthropology,_McGill U.)._Six national collaborators (collaborateurs) and nine international collaborators (chercheurs associés) from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico._

2010-2014._Programme de soutien aux équipes de recherche,_FQRSC_(Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture, Québec),_GRIPAL  (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine). Title of the project: "Expressions politiques de la souffrance en Amérique latine." Main researcher: Martin Hébert (Anthropology,_U. Laval)._Co-researchers: Pierre Beaucage (Anthropology, U. de Montréal),_Michel Carrier (Philosophy,_Collège Édouard-Montpetit), André Corten (Political Science,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_José Antonio Giménez Micó_(Spanish and Latin American Studies,_Concordia U.),_and Kristin Norget (Anthropology,_McGill U.)._Six national collaborators (collaborateurs) and nine international collaborators (chercheurs associés) from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico._
Fall 2010._Leave Research Grant (Concordia U., for sabbatical)._
2008-2011._Standard Research Grant,_SSHRC_(Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada),_GRIPAL. Title of the project: "Violence et actions directes en Amérique latine: mises en récits politiques, religieuses, identitaires." Main researcher: André Corten (Political Science,_U. du Québec à Montréal)._Co-researchers: Víctor Armony (Sociology,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_Pierre Beaucage (Anthropology,_U. de Montréal),_José Antonio Giménez Micó_(Spanish and Latin American Studies,_Concordia U.),_and Martin Hébert_(Anthropology,_U. Laval),_and_Kristin Norget_(Anthropology,_McGill U.);_nine associate researchers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico._
2006-2007._Leave Research Grant_(Concordia U.,_for sabbatical)._
2005-2008._Standard Research Grant,_SSHRC_(Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada),_GRIPAL. Title of the project: "Imaginaires de la violence (physique, religieuse et économique) et frontières du politique." Main researcher: André Corten (Political Science,_U. du Québec à Montréal)._Co-researchers: Víctor Armony (Sociology,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_Pierre Beaucage (Anthropology,_U. de Montréal),_Viviana Fridman (Sociology,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_José Antonio Giménez Micó_(Spanish and Latin American Studies,_Concordia U.),_and Martin Hébert_(Anthropology,_U. Laval)._International collaborators:_Isis Duarde_(U. Autónoma de Santo Domingo,_Dominican Republic),_Ernesto Laclau_(Centre for Theoretical Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences,_U. of Essex,_United Kingdom),_Ari Oro_(U. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,_Brazil),_Pablo Semán (CONICET-Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas,_Argentina), and_Margarita Zires_(U. Autónoma Metropolitana,_Mexico)._
2005-2008._Programme de soutien aux équipes de recherche,_FQRSC_(Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture, Québec),_GRIPAL. Title of the project: "Imaginaires populistes, transformation du religieux et consolidation démocratique en Amérique latine." Main researcher: André Corten (Political Science,_U. du Québec à Montréal._Co-researchers: Víctor Armony (Sociology,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_Pierre Beaucage (Anthropology,_U. de Montréal),_Viviana Fridman (Sociology,_U. du Québec à Montréal),_and_José Antonio Giménez Micó_(Spanish and Latin American Studies,_Concordia U.)._índice

2000-2004._Standard Research Grant,_SSHRC._
2000-2002._Start-Up Grant to support new faculty members_(Concordia U.)._
2000._Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme_of_the_Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada_to publish the book_L'irruption des "autres." Analyse de trois fronts discursifs d'identité et de résistance: chicano, antillais et andin péruvien._Montréal:_Balzac-Le Griot, 2000. (See_Publications, Book.)_
1998-2000._Research Excellence Grant_(Government of Alberta,_The U. of Calgary)._
1998-2000._Starter Grant to support new faculty members_(The U. of Calgary)._
1996-1998._Postdoctoral Fellowship,_SSHRC._
1996-1997._Postdoctoral Fellowship (bourse d'excellence),_Fonds FCAR_(Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche, Québec).*_
1994-1995._Doctoral Scholarship, Fondation Édouard-Léger_(U. de Montréal)._
1992-1995._Doctoral Fellowship (bourse d'excellence),_Fonds FCAR.*_
1992-1996._Doctoral Fellowship,_SSHRC._
1991-1992._Master's Scholarship (bourse d'excellence),_Fonds FCAR._
1990-1991._Undergraduate Scholarship (bourse au mérite),_U. de Montréal._

* Grants denied by Giménez Micó because of their incompatibility with two equivalent ones received from_SSHRC.



(One bookone monographtwenty-two refereed articles in learned journalstwelve refereed chapters in collective worksseventeen refereed and non-refereed articles in conference proceedingsone report on fieldworkone opinion piecetwo book forewordsfour reviewsthree translationsfour proofreadingsSee also_Publications Available Online,_Publications Available Online through JSTOR_and_Editorial Work)

Book _Monograph (Full Reproduction of Giménez Micó's Master's Thesis) _Articles in Learned Journals _Chapters in Collective Works
12._"Occupying the Isle; or, which Monster--and Which Island--Are We Talking About?"  In  Writing Monsters: Essays on Iberian and Latin American Cultures,  Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini (eds.).  Hispanic Issues On Line  (published by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, U. of Minnesota) 15 (Spring 2014), pp. 78-98._
11._"Préface. Patior ergo sum: l'insoutenable pesanteur de l'inacceptable."  In the  Cahier des imaginaires  7.10, monograph on "Souffrance et politique,"  José Antonio Giménez Micó and Martin Hébert (dirs.). Montréal:  GRIPAL  (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine),  December 2012, pp. 9-13._Indice
10.  "Del mutismo ‘subalterno’ a la interpelación de la multitud ‘plebeya’."  In Este que ves, engaño colorido... Literaturas, culturas y espacios alternos en América Latina, Chiara Bolognese, Fernanda Bustamante and Mauricio Zabalgoitia (eds.). Barcelona: Icaria, 2012, pp. 181-194._
09._"Bagua 2009. Des 'victimes' résolues à ne plus l'être." In_L'interpellation plébéienne en Amérique latine. Violence, actions directes et virage à gauche,_André Corten, Catherine Huart et Ricardo Peñafiel, dirs., coll. Paris/Montréal: Karthala/P. de l'U. du Québec, 2012, pp. 223-239._
08._"Olvidar o no olvidar la violencia: ¿ésa es la cuestión?"  In_Sasachakuy tiempo: Memoria y pervivencia. Ensayos sobre la literatura de la violencia política en el Perú,_Mark Cox, ed. Lima:_Pasacalle,_2010, pp. 145-158._
07._"Pérou: oublier ou ne pas oublier, un dilemme insensé?" In La violence dans l'imaginaire latino-américain, André Corten, dir., Anne-Élizabeth Côté, coll. Paris/Montréal: Karthala/P. de l'U. du Québec, 2008, pp. 329-336._
06._"Oublier ou ne plus oublier: au-delà de la 'mémoire salvatrice'?" In La violence dans l'imaginaire latino-américain, André Corten, dir., Anne-Élizabeth Côté, coll. Paris/Montréal: Karthala/P. de l'U. du Québec, 2008, pp. 195-202._
05._"Latin-Americanizing Canada."  In_Canadian Cultural Exchange/Échanges culturels au Canada,_Norman Cheadle and Lucien Pelletier, eds. Waterloo:_Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2007,_pp. 103-121._
04._"The Foxes by José María Arguedas: A Death Warrant for Peru's Modern National Project."_Chapter 5 of_Spanish and Empire, Hispanic Issues, vol. 34, N. Echávez-Solano and K. C. Dworkin y Méndez, eds. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2007,_pp. 96-117._(See the review of this work by Nelsy Echávez-Solano, Kenya C. Dworkin y Méndez, Luis Martín Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini.)_
03._"L'intertexte précolonial et la transculture postcoloniale." In_Citer l'autre,_Marie-Dominique Popelard and Anthony Wall, eds. Paris:_PU de la Sorbonne Nouvelle,_2005, pp. 25-39._
02._"Orality and Literature in the Peruvian Andean Zone." Chapter 48 of the_first volume (out of three) of the Oxford Comparative History of Latin American Literary Cultures,_Mario J. Valdés_and Djelal Kadir, eds._New York:_Oxford UP,_2004, pp. 471-482._
01._"Caliban in Aztlan: From the Emergence of Chicano Discourse to the Plural Constitution of New Solidarities." Chapter 12 of  National Identities and Sociopolitical Changes in Latin America, Hispanic Issues, vol. 23, Antonio Gómez-Moriana and Mercedes F. Durán-Cogan, eds. New York and London: Routledge, 2001,  pp. 320-351.  (See the review of this work by Horacio Machín and Nicholas Spadaccini.) 
Conference Proceedings Report on Fieldwork Opinion Piece
"From Latin America to Quebec: Violence as an Irreducible Political Debate"/"De Latinoamérica a Quebec: la violencia, un debate irreductiblemente político"/"De l’Amérique latine au Québec: la violence, un débat irréductiblement politique"  (in English, Spanish and French). Co-written with Martin Breaugh (York U.), André Corten (UQÀM), Charles Deslandes (UQÀM), Catherine Huart (UQÀM), Vanessa Molina (U. of Ottawa), and Ricardo Peñafiel (U. de Montréal).  GRIPAL,  May 2012.
French version reproduced in Bonenfant, Maude, Anthony Glinoer and Martine-Emmanuelle Lapointe.  Le printemps québécois. Une anthologie.  Preface by Georges Leroux. Postface by des Zapartistes. Montreal: Écosociété, 2013: 189-191.  flecha
Book Forewords _Reviewss
04._"Ángel Rama. Writing across Cultures: Narrative Transculturation in Latin America. Edited and translated by David Frye. A book in the series Latin America Otherwise. Languages, Empires, Nations. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2012."  Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies  (published by the  Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies)  37.74, 2012._ 
    03._(French-Spanish) Paul Ricoeur. "Retórica, poética, hermenéutica," "La experiencia estética," "Interpretación," "Relectura de la Poética de Aristóteles."  In Con Paul Ricoeur: indagaciones hermenéuticas, M. J. Valdés et al., Caracas: Monteávila Latinoamericana, 2000._
    02._(French-Spanish) Wladimir Krysinski. "Los nuevos actantes de la literatura universal." Revista de Occidente._

    01._(French-Spanish) Guide to La lectura y la redacción en español. Manuel d'apprentissage, by Enriqueta Ribé and Mónica Zapata. Québec:_Télé-université,_1994._

    04._Wladimir Krysinski. La novela en sus modernidades. A favor y en contra de Bajtin.Madrid: Iberoamericana; Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert, 1998._
    03._Wladimir Krysinski. El paradigma inquieto. Pirandello y el campo de la modernidad. Frankfurt am Main/Madrid: Vervuet Verlag/Iberoamericana, 1995._
    02._Enriqueta Ribé and Mónica Zapata. La lectura y la redacción en español. Manuel d'apprentissage. Québec:_Télé-université,_1994._
    01._Enriqueta Ribé (dir.). La conversación en español. Manuel d'apprentissage. Québec:_Télé-université,_1993._Índice


Ph.D. Dissertation_(Online)

Articles in Learned Journals_(Online)

09._"Babélicas voces del presente chimbotano, imprecisos ecos del pasado de Comala."_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 22.2, Winter 1998, pp. 343-357._

07._"José María Arguedas y la modernidad."_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos_20.2, Winter 1996, pp. 241-265._
06._"La Biografía de un cimarrón et le discours calibanesque."_Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies_(published by the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies)_21.41, 1996, pp. 31-57._

_Lorca: teatro posible e imposible."_Anales de la literatura española contemporánea_(published in Spain and the USA by the_Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies_under the auspices of the_Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)_20.3,_1995, pp. 351-364._
Chapters in Collective Works_(Online)
12.  "Occupying the Isle; or, which Monster--and Which Island--Are We Talking About?"  In  Writing Monsters: Essays on Iberian and Latin American Cultures,  Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini (eds.).  Hispanic Issues On Line  (published by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, U. of Minnesota) 15 (Spring 2014), pp. 78-98._
11._"Préface. Patior ergo sum: l'insoutenable pesanteur de l'inacceptable."  In the  Cahier des imaginaires  7.10, monograph on "Souffrance et politique,"  José Antonio Giménez Micó and Martin Hébert (dirs.). Montréal:  GRIPAL  (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine), December 2012, pp. 9-13. 

  "Del mutismo 'subalterno' a la interpelación de la multitud 'plebeya.''  In Este que ves, engaño colorido... Literaturas, culturas y espacios alternos en América Latina. Chiara Bolognese, Fernanda Bustamante and Mauricio Zabalgoitia (eds.). Barcelona: Icaria, 2012, pp. 181-194.

08._"Olvidar o no olvidar la violencia: ¿ésa es la cuestión?"  In_Sasachakuy tiempo: Memoria y pervivencia. Ensayos sobre la literatura de la violencia política en el Perú,_Mark Cox, ed. Lima:_Pasacalle,_2010, pp. 145-158._

05._"Latin-Americanizing Canada."  In  Canadian Cultural Exchange/Échanges culturels au Canada,  Norman Cheadle and Lucien Pelletier, eds. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2007, pp. 103-121._ _

_"The Foxes by José María Arguedas: A Death Warrant for Peru's Modern National Project."_Chapter 5 of_Spanish and Empire, Hispanic Issues, vol. 34, N. Echávez-Solano and K. C. Dworkin y Méndez, eds. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2007,_pp. 96-117._(Google libros)_
Conference Proceedings_(Online)
Report on Fieldwork_(Online)
Opinion Piece_(Online)
"From Latin America to Quebec: Violence as an Irreducible Political Debate"/"De Latinoamérica a Quebec: la violencia, un debate irreductiblemente político"/"De l’Amérique latine au Québec: la violence, un débat irréductiblement politique"  (in English, Spanish and French). Co-written with Martin Breaugh  (York U.),  André Corten (UQÀM), Charles Deslandes (UQÀM), Catherine Huart (UQÀM), Vanessa Molina (U. of Ottawa), and Ricardo Peñafiel (U. de Montréal).  GRIPAL,  May 2012.
French version reproduced in Bonenfant, Maude, Anthony Glinoer and Martine-Emmanuelle Lapointe.  Le printemps québécois. Une anthologie.  Preface by Georges Leroux. Postface by des Zapartistes. Montreal: Écosociété, 2013: 189-191.  flecha

04._"Ángel Rama. Writing across Cultures: Narrative Transculturation in Latin America. Edited and translated by David Frye. A book in the series Latin America Otherwise. Languages, Empires, Nations. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2012."  Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies  (published by the  Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies)  37.74, 2012._
02._"The Contemporary Mexican Chronicle. Theoretical Perspectives on the Liminal Centre. Ed. Ignacio Corona and Beth E. Jörgensen"_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos_28.2, Winter 2004, pp. 435-437.__


Articles in Learned Journals_(Online)
18._"Rojo, amarillo y verde de Alejandro Saravia: Entretejiendo un imaginario planetario en los albores del siglo XXI."_Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies_(published by the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies)_33.66, Fall 2008, pp. 171-198._
06._"La Biografía de un cimarrón et le discours calibanesque."_Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies_(published by the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies)_21.41, 1996, pp. 31-57._


Chair of the first panel of the  International Colloquium on Emancipación de (y por) los imaginarios en las Américas,  organized jointly by  GRIPAL  (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine) and the Maestría de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos. Pontificia U. Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia), December 5th, 2019:  "Populismo, representación y culturas populares."  Participants in this panel: Ricardo Peñafiel (UQÀM), Mauro Basaure (U. Andrés Bello), and Eduardo Restrepo (Pontificia U. Javeriana)._

Respondent of the panel on "Théorie: démocratie et dissensus."
  Congrès  de la  Société québécoise de science politiquecolloquium on "De la rue à la théorie et de la théorie à la rue: actions collectives et critiques théoriques."  U. de Sherbrooke,  June 2014._


78. "Migración y poética de la Relación en la obra ensayística y novelística de Édouard Glissant."  III Congreso Internacional de Teorías, Crítica e Historias Latinoamericanas, Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar (CELACP),  Lima (Peru), August 2019. 

  "Más allá y más acá de la justicia transicional."  XXIX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Profesionales Hispanos en los Estados Unidos (ALDEEU),  Valencia (Spain), June 2019. 

76.  "Contra la 'reconciliación."  Panel on "Emergent Imaginaries: Indigenous, Afro-descendant and Popular Transformations of Paradigms."  XXXVI International Congress  of  LASA  (Latin American Studies Association), Barcelona (Spain), May 2018. 
"Alejandro Saravia: del tránsito 'al otro lado del Muro' a su cuestionamiento."  Colloque international sur "Migration, frontières et droits humains dans les Amériques."  Centre d'études et de recherche internationales  (CESM/CÉRIUM)/Réseau d'études latino-américaines de Montréal  (RÉLAM).  U. de Montréal,  March 2017. 

"Trauma instituido de las víctimas, emancipación instituyente de la multitud plebeya."  International Conference on "Trauma individual y/o colectivo: reflexión y representación en la cultura hispánica,"  U. Castellae/McGill U.,  Valladolid (Spain), June 2015.
73.  "Militance théorique et engagement praxique: soyons réalistes, exigeons l'impossible?
Congrès  de  la  Société québécoise de science politique,  panel on "De la rue à la théorie et de la théorie à la rue: actions collectives et théories critiques."  U. de Sherbrooke,  June 2014.
Participation in roundtable: " Publish or Perish: Tips on the Publication Process.Congress_of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS):_"Environments, societies, imaginaries: The Americas in motion."  U. Laval,_Québec, June 2014. 
"Acciones multitudinarias e interpelaciones plebeyas en la construcción de una 'memoria del olvidado'.Congress_of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS):_"Environments, societies, imaginaries: The Americas in motion."  U. Laval,_Québec, June 2014
  "El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo: pulsión de muerte y desterritorialización del conocimiento."  International Conference on "La tragedia del vivir: dolor y mal en la literatura hispánica," _U. Castellae/McGill U.,_Valladolid (Spain), June 2013. 
"Actions multitudinaires et interpellation plébéienne: un même combat?"_Congress_of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS):_"Travelling Knowledges-Peoples-Solidarities."  Carleton U.,_Ottawa,  May 2013.  Video available on Vimeo  (16 minutes)  _ _
regresos no retornables y de exilios (más o menos) exitosos."_21st Festival of Images and Words,_Cultural Celebration of the Spanish LanguageGlendon College, York U.,  Toronto, November 2012._Indice
_"¿Del silencio del 'pueblo subalterno' al grito de la 'plebe indígena'?"_48th Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Wilfrid Laurier U./U. of Waterloo,_Waterloo, May 2012._

66._"Du silence du ‘peuple subalterne’ au cri de la ‘plèbe indigène’?" One-day colloquium on_"Amérique latine: ce que 'la plèbe' dit et fait."__80 Congrès_de_l'ACFAS_(Association francophone pour le savoir),_Montreal, May 2012._
65._"Del mutismo 'subalterno' a la interpelación de la multitud 'plebeya'."_International Colloquium on "Leer Latinoamérica hoy: ¿una descolonización imposible? Desafíos de poscolonialidad, otredad, representación y subalternidad."_U. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), May 2011._
64._"Víctimas resueltas a dejar de serlo: del mutismo 'subalterno' a la interpelación 'plebeya'."_V Jornadas Internacionales "Escribir la violencia: ciudades, sujetos y lenguajes en la literatura contemporánea."_ASPLIC_(Asociación Peruana de Literatura Comparada),_Lima (Peru), November 2010._
63._"Rojo, amarillo y verde: un intento exitoso de latinoamericanización del Canadá."_XXIX International Congress_of_LASA_(Latin American Studies Association), Toronto, October 2010._
62._"Rojo, amarillo y verde de Alejandro Saravia: entretejiendo un imaginario planetario en los albores del siglo XXI."_40th Conference_of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies,_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Concordia U.,_Montreal, June 2010._
61._"La representación del sufrimiento de las 'víctimas' resueltas a dejar de serlo."_46th Congress._of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Concordia U.,_Montreal, May 2010._
60._"Rojo, amarillo y verde: transterritorialisation à (et au-delà de) l'ère globale."_Annual Meeting_of the_Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Concordia U.,_Montreal, May 2010._
59._"Rojo, amarillo y verde: transterritorialización en (y más allá de) la era global." International Symposium_"Mediaciones transculturales en espacios iberoamericanos: lenguas, literaturas y traducción"_/_"Transcultural mediations in Iberoamerican spaces - Languages, literatures and translation"_/_"Médiations transculturelles dans les espaces ibéro-américains: langues, littératures et traduction."_U. de Montréal,_May 2010._
58._"La hora azul: ¿superación de la 'voluntad del olvido' o naturalización de la violencia?"_41st Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA) Convention_(panel on_"Narrativas de la memoria y la violencia política,"_designed and organized by_Lisette Balabarca,_Colby College)._Montreal, April 2010._
57._"Rojo, amarillo y verde, o cómo la literatura andina migrante va latinoamericanizando el Canadá."_V Coloquio Internacional de Literatura "Memoria e imaginación de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (por los derroteros de la oralidad y la escritura)."_Organized by the Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe de la U. Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), the Facultad de Humanidades de la U. Autónoma del Estado de México, the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre América Latina y el Caribe, the Pontificia U. Católica del Perú, the U. Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and the U. San Antonio Abad del Cusco. Cusco, Peru, August 2009._
56._"Rojo, amarillo y verde: más allá y más acá del estado-nación."_45th Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Carleton U.,_Ottawa, May 2009._
55._"La hora azul: ¿entre memoria 'salvadora' y olvido 'reconciliador'?"_XXVIII Congress_of_ALDEEU_(Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos),_Córdoba (Spain), July 2008._
54._"Olvidar o no olvidar, ésa es la cuestión. ¿Superación de la 'memoria salvadora' en la narrativa 'pituca' post-Fujimori?"_44th Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)_(panel on_"Imaginarios de la violencia"),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_The U. of British Columbia,_Vancouver, May-June 2008._
53._"Alejandro Toledo: del populismo incaico al antipopulismo presidencial."_XXVII International Congress of_LASA_(Latin American Studies Association),_session on "Manipulaciones del imaginario andino: De Pachakutik al indigenismo 'New Wave' / "Manipulations of the Andean imaginary: From Pachakutik to 'New Wave' Indigenism."_Montreal, September 2007._
52._"Los imaginarios de la violencia en algunas novelas peruanas recientes."_XVI Conference of the International Association of Hispanists (AIH)._Paris (France), July 2007._
51._"Les imaginaires de la violence dans la littérature péruvienne contemporaine."_75 Congrès_de_l'ACFAS (Association francophone pour le savoir),_Sciences Sociales,_colloquium 431, on "La violence en Amérique latine: réalités et imaginaires,"_U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, May 2007._
50._"Los imaginarios de la violencia en la literatura peruana contemporánea."_IV International Conference of Peruanistas.  Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho, Santiago (Chile), April 2007._
49._"La cita: ¿síntoma o diagnosis de la zona andina de contacto?" International Colloquium on "Perú en el espejo de Vargas Llosa. Historiando las historias de un escritor trasatlántico."_U. Laval,_Québec, November 2006._
48._"Utopía andina y conflictos de imaginarios en el Perú contemporáneo."_Congress_of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS):_"From Local to Global in Latin America and the Caribbean: Where Have We Come from and Where Are We Headed?"_The U. of Calgary,_September 2006._
47._"Imaginarios políticos en el Perú: ¿entre el populismo andinista y el antipopulismo neoliberal? El caso Toledo."_VII Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (JALLA)._U. de los Andes,_Pontificia U. Javeriana_and_U. Nacional de Colombia._Bogotá (Colombia), August 2006._
46._"Algunas implicaciones del acto de citar en la zona de contacto latinoamericana."_XXVI International Congress of_LASA_(Latin American Studies Association), San Juan (Puerto Rico), March 2006._
45._"Citas intertextuales y (des)encuentros transculturales."_XXV Congress_of_ALDEEU_(Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos),_Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua (ILCYL),_Burgos (Spain), July 2005._
44._"Les renards de José María Arguedas. Un roman en ébullition tourné vers l'avenir."_73 Congrès_de_l'ACFAS (Association francophone pour le savoir),_Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, colloquium on_"Le travail de la postérité dans l'écriture de l'oeuvre,"_U. du Québec à Chicoutimi,_May 2005._
43._"Errance et poétique de la Relation chez Édouard Glissant."_International Colloquium on_"Dis/Location: Writing Exile / Migrancy / Nomadism / Bordercrossing."_ Department of Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_May 2005._
42._"La escritura del trauma en El exilio y las ruinas."_Conference of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies:_"Latin America and the Caribbean: Independence and Interdependence."_U. of Guelph,_October 2004._
41._"L'intertexte pré-colonial et la transculture post-coloniale."_International Colloquium on "Citer l'autre / Quoting the Other." Organized by the_Research Program "Le soi et l'autre."_The U. of Calgary,_October 2004._
40._"Los zorros de Arguedas: Babel, o la apoteosis de la confusión." International Conference of_JALLA (VI Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana),_U. Nacional Mayor de San Marcos,_Lima (Peru), August 2004._
39._" '...y las praderas nos recibían llamándonos...' El movimiento de reterritorialización en la poesía latinocanadiense de los años 90."_40 Congress_of_the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)_(joint session with the_Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association_and_l'Association Canadienne des Sociologues et Anthropologues de Langue Française)._Event sponsored by the_Canadian International Development Agency-Canadian Federation for the Humanities and the Social Sciences_(CIDA-CFHSS Collaborative Program)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. of Manitoba,_Winnipeg, June 2004._
38._"Empire de la loi et loi de l'empire. Le cas Vasconcelos."_72 Congrès_de_l'ACFAS (Association francophone pour le savoir),_Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines, colloquium on_"L'écrit devant la loi,"_U. du Québec à Montréal,_May 2004._
37._"Latinos in the U.S.: From the 'Cosmic Race' to the Plural Constitution of New Solidarities." International and Interdisciplinary_Conference on "Negotiating Identities in Latin American Cultures,"_The U. of Calgary,_January 2004._
36._"Canadá, los estudios transatlánticos y el espacio cultural latinoamericano."_XXIII_Congress_of_ALDEEU_(Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos),_U. de Jaén,_Jaén (Spain), July 2003._
35._"Le projet utopique de Louis Riel."_Congress_of  the_Canadian Comparative Literature Association,_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Dalhousie U.,_Halifax, May 2003._
34._"De salvajes, gauchos, criollos y mestizos. Viaje de ida y vuelta de St-Vital a Universópolis con escala en la Pampa."_39 Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)_(joint session with the_Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association_and_l'Association Canadienne des Sociologues et Anthropologues de Langue Française)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Dalhousie U.,_Halifax, May 2003._
33._"Representaciones de la diversidad americana en los escritos de Louis Riel y José Vasconcelos."_Congress of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS):_"Latin America: Between Representations and Realities."_U. du Québec à Montréal,_October 2002._
32._"A la búsqueda de los perdidos límites de la interpretación." Coloquio Internacional "Orientaciones actuales de la crítica literaria y cultural,"_U. de Playa Ancha/U. de Poitiers_(Centre de Recherches Latino-Américaines-Archivos),_Valparaíso (Chile), September 2002._
31._"La dialógica re/desterritorializadora en los escritos utópicos de José Vasconcelos y Louis Riel." XII Congreso Internacional de Estudios Literarios (SOCHEL),_U. del Bío-Bío, Chillán (Chile), September 2002._
30._"Calibán en Aztlán. Richard Rodriguez y Ernesto Galarza: exemplum y anti-exemplum del movimiento chicano." Cuartas Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Argentina/Comparatística,_U. de Buenos Aires_(Argentina), July 2002._
29._"Biografía de un cimarrón: la imposible y necesaria representación de la alteridad." International Conference on "Memorias y olvidos: (auto)biografías (reales, ficticias) en la cultura hispánica,"_U. Castellae/McGill U.,_Valladolid (Spain), July 2002._
28._"La utopía, motor de prefiguración de la literatura oral andina." International Conference of JALLA (V Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana),_U. de Santiago de Chile_(Chile), August 2001._
27._"Barrio Boy y Hunger of Memory: dos extremos del movimiento chicano." 37 Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH), Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. Laval,_Québec, May 2001._
26._"La función de la 'utopía andina' en la configuración del imaginario cultural andino." International Congress of the  Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS):  "The Americas Intertwined." Session on "Indigenous Literatures." La Antigua (Guatemala), February 2001
25._"Utopía y desterritorialización en el Nuevo Mundo: Riel y Vasconcelos." 36 Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. of Alberta,_Edmonton, May 2000._
24._"Building Babel: La case du commandeur by Édouard Glissant, or the Irruption of Le Divers." International Colloquium on "Globalization and Cultural Identity."_The U. of Calgary,_April 2000._
23._"La Elicia: escribir el presente releyendo el pasado."_Modern Language Association_Convention, Chicago (USA), December 1999._
22._"La créolité. Accomplissement de la 'prophétie' de l'antillanité?"_Modern Language Association_Convention, Chicago (USA), December 1999._
21._"¿Saben los zorros 'lo que pasa en Chimbote y en el mundo'? La convocatoria de saberes tradicionales en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo." International Conference of JALLA (IV Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana),_U. Nacional de San Antonio Abad,_Cusco (Peru), August 1999._
20._"Escrituras y oralidades. Una dinámica histórica de tensión, interferencias y apropiaciones mutuas." 35 Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Bishop's U. / U. de Sherbrooke,_June 1999._
19._"La desterritorialización del Conocimiento en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo de José María Arguedas." Fourth International Colloquium, Northern Telecom Ibero-American Studies,_U. of Toronto,_May 1999._
18._"Utopia and Deterritorialization in the New World: A Comparative Study of Utopian Projects by Exiles." Interuniversity Conference of Modern Languages,_U. of Alberta,_Edmonton, April 1999._
17._"Semiosic and Semiotic Interpretation in Umberto Eco's The Limits of Interpretation." Interdisciplinary Workshop on Theories of the Text, Philology Research Group,_The U. of Calgary,_March 1999._
16._"La alegoría del movimiento chicano en 'Zoo Island' de Tomás Rivera." 34 Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists,_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. of Ottawa,_May 1998._
15._"Le reliquaire des amoureux' ou l'irruption du Divers." Congress  of  the_Canadian Comparative Literature Association,_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. of Ottawa,_May 1998._
14._"Babélicas voces del presente chimbotano, imprecisos ecos del pasado de Comala." Simposio Internacional Juan Rulfo: entre lo tradicional y lo moderno,_U. of Ottawa/Carleton U.,_Ottawa, October-November 1996._
13._"Le croisement des cultures: vers une théorie incertaine de la traduction." International Conference on Translation and Globalization,_Victoria U._in the_U. of Toronto,_October 1996._
12._" 'Continuidad de los parques', o el relato en directo." 32 Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Learned Society Congress,_Brock U.,_St. Catharines, May 1996._
11._"Diversas ocurrencias del topos de la procedencia precolombina del cristianismo americano."_64 Congrès_de_l'ACFAS (Association Canadienne-Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences),_Hispanic section,_McGill U.,_Montreal, May 1996._
10._"L'Impromptu d'Ohio, ou le récit en direct chez Samuel Beckett."_64 Congrès_de_l'ACFAS,_littératures d'expression française,_McGill U.,_Montreal, May 1996._
09._"Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho comentada. ¿Parodia 'posmoderna' y/o remiendo antimoderno?" 31 Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Learned Society Congress,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_May 1995._
08._"La Biografía de un cimarrón y la práctica testimonial." 30 Congress of  the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Learned Society Congress,_The U. of Calgary,_June 1994._
07._"L'approche théâtrale de la communication et le théâtre de l'incommunication." Congress of the_Canadian Comparative Literature Association,_Learned Society Congress,_The U. of Calgary,_June 1994._
06._"L'implicite et le dialogue théâtral chez Ionesco." 62 Congrès de_l'ACFAS,_littératures d'expression française,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_May 1994._
05._"El paradigma de la desterritorialización en Todas las sangres, de José María Arguedas." 29 Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Learned Society Congress,_Carleton U.,_Ottawa,  May-June 1993._
04._"Lorca: teatro posible e imposible." 61 Congrès de_l'ACFAS,_hispanic section,_U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières,_May 1993.__
03._"Diversas conexiones entre Celestina y Elicia." 28 Congress of  the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Learned Society Congress,_U. of Prince Edward Island,_Charlottetown, May 1992.__
02._"La revisión de la historiografía en El general en su laberinto."  60e Congrès de_l'ACFAS,_hispanic section,_U. de Montréal,_May 1992._
_"Todas las sangres de José María Arguedas. La transculturación, fenómeno de mestizaje sociocultural." 59 Congrès de_l'ACFAS,_hispanic section,_U. de Sherbrooke,_May 1991._Índice




Service to Concordia University

Service to the University of Calgary
Service to the Community: External
Professional Association Positions
Graduate Thesis Committee Member

Member of the committee of the qualifying oral examination for Ph.D. degree, Rosane Maiorana,  Département d'études littérairesU. du Québec à Montréal,  May 2020. 

Chair of the Examining Committee,
Éric Desautels,  Ph.D. in Humanities
,_Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture,_Concordia U.,  February
2019. Title of the dissertation: "La sécularisation des missions catholiques canadiennes-françaises en Afrique aux XXe et XXIe siècles: entre proselytisme et adaptation." 

External evaluator, Roxane Maiorana, M.A. in Literary Studies,  Département d'études littérairesU. du Québec à Montréal,  February-April 2018. Title of the thesis:
"Représentations identitaires et mémorielles sous les violences d'État dans Les années inutiles et Lost City Radio." 
Co-supervision and evaluation of "El lugar más triste para soñar: una evidencia literaria sobre la deconstrucción de la identidad desde el exilio" (M.A. research paper by Paula Ruiz Briones, Span683, Summer 2018). 

Co-supervision and evaluation of "Conciencia e intencionalidad en Gallego, novela-testimonio de Miguel Barnet" (M.A. research paper by Nathalie Roy, Span682, Summer 2018). 

Co-supervision and evaluation of
Una lectura lockeana de un cuento cortazariano/A Lockean reading of Julio Cortázar's Axolotl' "  (M.A. research paper by Louise Sheils, Span682, Summer 2017)

Co-supervision and evaluation of "Los límites metafísicos de los personajes ficticios de un cuento neofantástico/Metaphysical Boundaries of Fictional Characters in a Neofantastic Short Story"  (M.A. research paper by Louise Sheils, Span683, Summer 2017)

Co-supervision and evaluation of "La voz femenina en ¡Que viva la música!: de la contracultura al postfeminismo"  (M.A. research paper by M.A. research paper byM.A. research paper byM.Nadia Silva Hurtado, Span 683, Winter 2017Winter 2017Winter 2017). 
Co-supervision and evaluation of
La tierra y la sombra: cuerpo, espacio y enfermedad"  (Winter 2017, co-supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Nadia Silva Hurtado, Span682, Winter 2017). 
Evaluation of
Ambigüedad y abyección de la mirada colonial en La ruta de Arturo Barea"  (M.A. research paper by Leonor Pérez Martínez,
Winter 2016). 
Member of the committee of the qualifying oral examination for Ph.D. degree, Diogo Rodríguez de Barros,  Département d'histoire de l'art
U. de Montréal,  December 2016._
valuation of "Interacción, empatía, altruismo, reciprocidad y retribución: una relectura del capítulo XXXIV de El caballero del cisne
"  (M.A. research paper by Francisco García González, Span683, Fall 2016)
Member of the Examining Committee,  Abelardo León Donoso,  Humanities Interdisciplinary PhD Program,_Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture,_Concordia U.,  August 2016Title of the dissertation:  "Homomercracia. Social Change and Sexual Diversity in Times of Emerging Neoliberalism in Chile." 

Member of the Examining Committee, James Buchanan,_M.A. in Hispanic Studies,_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_May 2016. 

Supervision and evaluation of "El Maleconazo desde la perspectiva de la interpelación y de la memoria plebeyas"  (M.A. research paper by  Vilma Vidal GarcíaSpan683, Winter 2016)
valuation of "Ambigüedad y abyección de la mirada colonial en La ruta de Arturo Barea"  (M.A. research paper by Leonor Pérez Martínez, Span682, Winter 2016)
External evaluator, Luis Guillermo Henríquez, Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (Hispanic Literature),_Département de littératures et de langues du mondeU. de Montréal,  September 2015-January 2016. Title of the dissertation:_
"Grito vagabundo. El exilio como alegoría de un trauma histórico en tres novelas latino-canadienses."_
External evaluator, Yuri Moreno Rodríguez, M.A. in Political Science,_Département de science politique,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_May-July 2014. Title of the thesis:_
"L'événement discursif ethnique et le marronnage: discours, pratiques et représentations du politique en Colombie."_
Member of the Examining Committee, Jean-Alix René, Ph.D. in History,  Department of HistoryConcordia U.,  April 2014. Title of the dissertation: "Le culte de l'égalité: une exploration du processus de formation de l'État et de la politique populaire en Haïti au cours de la première moitié du dix-neuvième siècle (1804-1846)".
Member of the Examining Committee, Augusto Gutiérrez, M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_August 2013. Title of the thesis:  "Ruptura y continuidad en la poesia indígena contemporánea escrita en castellano de México y Guatemala."
Member of the jury, Marie-Pier Guay, M.A.
en littératures d’expression espagnole,_Département des littératures,_U. Laval,_September-November 2012. Title of the thesis"La construcción identitaria de Flora Tristán en El paraíso en la otra esquina."  Índice
Consultative & Evaluation Activities
External referee,_Persephone Braham's_promotion_(U. of Delaware,_Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures),_June-August 2019.  índice
External referee,_Sergio Rivera-Ayala's_promotion_(U. of Waterloo,_Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
),_August-October 2014._índice

Co-evaluator, with  María del Carmen Sillato  (
U. of Waterloo),  of the  undergraduate program in SpanishDepartment of Modern Languages and LiteraturesU. of Ottawa,  February-April 2014.  índice

External referee,_Ana Belén Martín Sevillano's_promotion_(U. de Montréal,_Département de littératures et de langues modernes),_June-August 2013._
External referee,_Martha Nandorfy's_application to the rank of Full Professor_(U. of Guelph,_School of English and Theatre Studies
,_Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies),_September-October 2012._índice
External examiner for the academic program review for the_Department of Languages and Literatures_-_Spanish Program_(Acadia U.),_March-May 2010._

External referee,_Pepa Novell's application for contract review_(Queen's U.,  Department of Spanish and Italian Languages and Literatures), October-November 2009._
Peer evaluator,_U. of Ottawa Press_(manuscript submitted for publication), September-November 2009._
Peer evaluator,_FQRSC_(Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture, Québec),_2009 competition._
Peer evaluator,_SSHRC_(Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada),_2007, 2008, and 2009 competitions._
External referee,_Sonia Thon's_application to the rank of Full Professor_(Acadia U.,_Department of Languages and Literatures),_September-October 2008._
Reviewer of the new degree Bachelor of Arts - Spanish,_Mount Royal U.,_Fall 2006._
Member_of the_Aid to Scholarly Publications (ASP) Committee,_Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences,_since January 2006._
Expert evaluator,_Canada Council for the Arts / Killam Research Fellowships,_2005 competition._
Reviewer of Rojas-Trempe, Lady, and Vallejo, Catharina (eds.) Celebración de la creación literaria de escritoras hispánicas en las Américas. Ottawa/Montreal: Girol/Enana Blanca, 2000. (Proceedings of the International Colloquium_Celebración de la Escritura Femenina Contemporánea en las Américas,_Concordia U.,_March 2000; organized by the_Asociación Canadiense Crítica Literaria sobre las Escritoras Hispanoamericanas,_CCLEH)._
Reviewer of paper proposals for the 70 Congrès de_l'ACFAS (Association francophone pour le savoir),_section "Cultures et littératures étrangères,"_U. Laval,_Québec, May 2002._

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