In 2014, José Antonio Giménez Micó was honoured by the Concordia Council of Student Life (CSSL) with one Outstanding Contribution Award, thanks to the nomination made by the Hispanic Studies Graduate Student Association. Retired since June 2022. |
_ Title: "Orality and Literature in the Peruvian Andean Zone." _ Under the supervision of Mario J. Valdés._ 1992-1996
_ Title of the dissertation:_"L'irruption des 'autres.' Les discours identitaires de revendication depuis les années 1960 jusqu'à nos jours." _ Under the supervision of Wladimir Krysinski._ 1991-1992
_ Title of the thesis: "Todas las sangres de José María Arguedas. Ética y estética del mestizaje y de la transculturación." _ Under the supervision of Catherine Poupeney Hart and Antonio Gómez-Moriana._ Summer 1991
_ Under the supervision of Roberto Bein._ 1988-1991
TEACHING Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Experience at Concordia University
Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Experience at Université Laval and the University of Calgary
Professeur associé_(U. Laval,_Faculté des Lettres,_Département des littératures),_2011-2019. Responsibilities: supervision of graduate students (see_Graduate Thesis Supervision)._ Professeur associé_(U. Laval,_Faculté des Lettres,_Département des littératures),_2004-2007. Responsibilities: supervision of graduate students._ _ Assistant Professor_(The U. of Calgary,_Department of French, Italian and Spanish), 1998-2000. Language courses (Span201 and Span202). Undergraduate culture and literature courses:
Graduate Thesis Supervision
_ "Esp-66583. Metodología de la investigación en literaturas hispánicas."_Collaborative teaching course with Emilia Deffis (coordinator), Daniel Castillo Durante, Augusto Escobar Mesa, Louis Jolicoeur, Alexandre Sadetsky, Ignacio Soldevila Durante, Luis Thenon, Peter Thompson, and Javier Vargas de Luna. Fall 2005_(U. Laval,_Faculté des Lettres,_Département des littératures).
Nominated for the 1999-2000_U. of Calgary Students' Union_Teaching Excellence Award, Fall 1999._ International Experience: Peer Teaching
_ Training course ("curso de capacitación") given to professors and graduate students with teaching responsibilities of the_Faculty of Letters and Communication_(U. de Colima,_Mexico), on "Orality and Writing in Latin American literatures" (August 2002)._ CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) Workshops "Recursos de TIC para la enseñanza del español." Six-hour workshop about the application of technological resources (PowerPoint, Web-based documentation and exercises, design of Web pages), to the teaching of Spanish, in collaboration with_Luis Ochoa, October 1-2, 2002;_Centro de Recursos del Español de Montreal.__ Previous Teaching and Teaching-Related Experience
_ Instructor_(U. de Montréal,_Département de Littérature Comparée),_Winter 1995. Course (entirely designed and taught): "Courants de la littérature contemporaine."_ _ Responsible for the training of lecturers of Spanish Language courses_(U. du Québec,_Télé-université),_May 1994._ _ Translator (French-Spanish) of the guidebook for Spanish advanced language course ESP 4001_(U. du Québec,_Télé-université),_January 1994._ __ Linguistic proofreader of the manuals for Spanish courses ESP 3001 and ESP 4001_(U. du Québec,_Télé-université),_January 1993-June 1994._ _ Lecturer for the Spanish courses ESP 3001 and ESP 4001_(U. du Québec,_Télé-université),_January-December 1993._ _ Teacher (Instituto Español de Montreal, affiliated with the Spanish Government's_Instituto Cervantes),_September 1990-September 1992._ _ Research assistant_(U. de Montréal,_Département de Littérature Comparée),_September 1991-September 1992._ _ Instructor_(U. de Montréal,_Département de Littératures et de Langues Modernes),_February-April 1992._ _ Spanish teaching assistant_(U. de Montréal,_Département de Littératures et de Langues Modernes),_Fall 1990._ _ Corrector_(U. de Montréal,_Département de Littératures et de Langues Modernes),_Fall 1990._ _ Instructor_(U. de Montréal,_Département de Littératures et de Langues Modernes),_Fall 1990._ _ Archivist_(U. de Montréal,_Département de Littératures et de Langues Modernes),_May-June 1989._ |
_ Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_to the best essay by a graduate student (1993). Title: "La revisión de la historiografía en El general en su laberinto."_ |
RESEARCH. GRANTS 2019-2021. Connection Grant, SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), GRIPAL (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine), jointly with the Maestría de Estudios Culturales, Pontificia U. Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). Title of the project: "Violence, populisme et démocratie dans les Amériques." Main researcher: Ricardo Peñafiel (Political Science, U. du Québec à Montréal). Co-researchers: Leila Celis (Sociology, U. du Québec à Montréal), Marie-Christine Doran (Political Science, U. of Ottawa), José Antonio Giménez Micó (Hispanic and Latin American Studies, Concordia U.), Martin Hébert (Anthropology, U. Laval), and Eduardo Restrepo (Anthropology and Cultural Studies, Pontificia U. Javeriana); several associate researchers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, and Mexico.
_ Member of the_Latin American Studies Group_(The U. of Calgary),_since 1998._ _ Collaboration in the international project on_"Rethinking Literary History -- Comparatively._Latin American Literatures: A Comparative History of Cultural Formations"_(U. of Toronto),_coordinated by Mario J. Valdés, Djelal Kadir and Linda Hutcheon, 1996-2000._More than two hundred scholars from around the world._
_ "Groupe de recherche sur l'Amérique Latine"_(U. de Montréal,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_Concordia U.),_since 1992._ _ "Marginalisation et marginalité dans les pratiques discursives"_(U. de Montréal),_1991-1992, integrated into the CIADEST (Centre inter-universitaire d'analyse du discours et sociocritique des textes,_U. de Montréal,_McGill U.,_U. du Québec à Montréal)._ __ |
RESEARCH. PUBLICATIONS(One book, one monograph, twenty-two refereed articles in learned journals, twelve refereed chapters in collective works, seventeen refereed and non-refereed articles in conference proceedings, one report on fieldwork, one opinion piece, two book forewords, four reviews, three translations, four proofreadings. See also_Publications Available Online,_Publications Available Online through JSTOR_and_Editorial Work) Book
21. "Del mutismo ‘subalterno’ a la interpelación de la multitud ‘plebeya’." Revista Cronopio 49, 2014._ 20._Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar and José Antonio Giménez Micó._"Introducción. ¿Comprender la violencia?"__Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos_(published by the_Canadian Association of Hispanists)_34.1_(Fall 2009), 1-8. Monograph on "Imaginarios de la violencia" co-edited by Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar_(Ohio State U.)_and José Antonio Giménez Micó._ _ 19._"Olvidar o no olvidar la violencia: ¿ésa es la cuestión?"_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos__34.1_(Fall 2009), 165-181. (Abstract.)_ _ 18._"Rojo, amarillo y verde de Alejandro Saravia: Entretejiendo un imaginario planetario en los albores del siglo XXI."_Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies_(published by the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies)_33.66, Fall 2008, pp. 171-198._ _ 17._"Estudios hispánicos canadienses: estableciendo vínculos intramuros y extramuros." Hispanic Issues Online_(published by the_Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, U. of Minnesota) 2.1: "Estudios hispánicos: perspectivas internacionales", sección II: "Los estudios hispánicos y su cartografía", Fall 2007, pp. 89-94._ _ 16._"El camino de Damasco pasa por la Amazonía. Crónica de una conversión anunciada."_Tropelías: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada_(published by the Center for Literary Theory and Comparative Literature [U. de Zarazoga, Spain])_15-17, 2004-2006,_pp. 65-77._ _ 15._"Los imaginarios de la violencia en La hora azul."_Boletín del Instituto Riva-Agüero_(published by the_Pontificia U. Católica del Perú_[Lima, Peru]) 32, 2005, pp. 289-298._ _ 14._"Escrituras y oralidades. Una dinámica histórica de tensión, interferencias y apropiaciones mutuas."__Oralidad: para el rescate de la tradición oral de América Latina y el Caribe_(published by_UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization],_Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Havana, Cuba)_12,_2003, pp. 42-46._ _ 13._"Tous sangs mêlés de José María Arguedas. La modernité, un projet in-amorcé?"_Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackick_(published by the Katedry Teorii Literatury Instytutu Teorii Literatury, Teatru i sztuk Audiowizualnych_Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego, U. of Lodz, Poland)_XLV 1-2, 2003, special issue on La modernité: théories et pratiques II, Wladimir Krysinski, ed., pp. 167-189._ _ 12._"The Deterritorialization of Knowledge in El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo"__Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos_(published by the_Canadian Association of Hispanists),_26.1-2, Fall 2001-Winter 2002,_pp. 83-105._ _ 11._"Presentación."__Estudios hispánicos en la Red._Número monográfico sobre la inscripción de la oralidad en las culturas latinoamericanas 2007. Web publication._ _ 10._"Escrituras y oralidades. Una dinámica histórica de tensión, interferencias y apropiaciones mutuas."__Estudios hispánicos en la Red._Número monográfico sobre la inscripción de la oralidad en las culturas latinoamericanas 2007. Web publication. (A printed and PDF version of this article appeared in Unesco's journal Oralidades;_see above.)_ _ 09._"Babélicas voces del presente chimbotano, imprecisos ecos del pasado de Comala."_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 22.2, Winter 1998, pp. 343-357._ _ 08._"Intertexte, interculture, interidentité. Essayer de comprendre le néo/post-colonial à travers l'intertexte pré-colonial."__Versus. Quaderni di Studi Semiotici_(published by Milano A. Mauri for the Department of Semiotics of the U. di Bologna under the direction of Umberto Eco) 77-78, 1997, pp. 99-120. Publication in this journal is only through the editor's invitation._ _ 07._"José María Arguedas y la modernidad."_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos_20.2, Winter 1996, pp. 241-265._ _ 06._"La Biografía de un cimarrón et le discours calibanesque."_Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies_(published by the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies)_21.41, 1996, pp. 31-57._ _ 05._Lorca: teatro posible e imposible."_Anales de la literatura española contemporánea_(published in Spain and the USA by the_Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies_under the auspices of the_Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)_20.3,_1995, pp. 351-364._ _ 04._"À la recherche des limites perdues de l'interprétation."_Semiotic Inquiry_(published by the_Canadian Semiotic Association)_15.1-2, Spring 1995, pp. 91-120._ _ 03._"Le Récit en direct chez Cortázar et Beckett: Ces personnages qui lisent/se font lire l'histoire de leur propre devenir."__Canadian Review of Comparative Literature_(published by the_Canadian Comparative Literature Association)_21.4, December 1994, pp. 597-612._ _ 02._"Diversas conexiones entre Celestina y Elicia."__Celestinesca_(published by the_Department of Romance and Classical Languages,_Michigan State U.)_18.1, Spring 1994, pp. 35-50._ _ 01._"Todas las sangres de José María Arguedas. Síntomas de una reordenación de la hegemonía discursiva." Lenguas, literaturas, sociedades (published by the hispanic section of the_ACFAS-Association Canadienne-Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences)_4, 1993, pp. 93-102._ 12._"Occupying the Isle; or, which Monster--and Which Island--Are We Talking About?" In Writing Monsters: Essays on Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini (eds.). Hispanic Issues On Line (published by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, U. of Minnesota) 15 (Spring 2014), pp. 78-98._Conference Proceedings
17._"El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo: pulsión de muerte y desterritorialización del conocimiento." La tragedia del vivir: dolor y mal en la literatura hispánica, R. de la Fuente Ballesteros, J. Pérez-Magallón and F. Estévez, eds. Valladolid: Verdelis/Universitas Castellae,_2014, pp. 125-131._ 16._"¿Del silencio del 'pueblo subalterno' al grito de la 'plebe indígena'?"_CONGRESO ABIERTO,_Actas del 48 Congreso_de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (2012). Web edition.__ _ 15._"Rojo, amarillo y verde: un intento exitoso de latinoamericanización del Canadá."_Proceedings of the_XXIX International Congress of LASA_(Latin American Studies Association), Toronto, October 2010. Web edition._ _ 14._"La representación del sufrimiento de las 'víctimas' resueltas a dejar de serlo."_CONGRESO ABIERTO,_Actas del 46 Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (2010). Web edition.._ _ 13._"Rojo, amarillo y verde: más allá y más acá del estado-nación."_CONGRESO ABIERTO,_Actas del 45 Congreso_de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (2009). Web edition._ _ 12._"Olvidar o no olvidar, ésa es la cuestión. ¿Superación de la 'memoria salvadora' en la narrativa 'pituca' post-Fujimori?"_CONGRESO ABIERTO,_Actas del 44 Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (2008). Web edition._ _ 11._"Alejandro Toledo: del populismo incaico al antipopulismo presidencial." Proceedings of the_XXVII International Congress of_LASA_(Latin American Studies Association)._Montreal, September 2007. E-publication (CD-ROM)._ _ 10._"Imaginarios políticos en el Perú: ¿entre el populismo andinista y el antipopulismo neoliberal? El caso Toledo."_Proceedings of the International Conference of JALLA 2006 (VI Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana),_Bogotá (Colombia), August 2006. Web edition._ _ 09._"Algunas implicaciones del acto de citar en la zona de contacto latinoamericana." Proceedings of the_XXVI International Congress_of_LASA_(Latin American Studies Association), San Juan (Puerto Rico), March 2006. E-publication (CD-ROM)._ _ 08._"Errance et poétique de la Relation chez Édouard Glissant."_Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Dis/Location: Writing Exile / Migrancy / Nomadism / Bordercrossing._ Department of Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_2005. Web edition._ _ 07._"Canadá, los estudios transatlánticos y el espacio cultural latinoamericano."_Jaén: Cruce de caminos, encuentro de culturas. Actas del Congreso de ALDEEU 2003_(Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos), J. Fernández, J. López-Peláez Casellas and E. Medina Arjona, eds. Jaén: U. de Jaén, 2006, pp. 255-259._ _ 06._"Los zorros de Arguedas, o la apoteosis de la confusión."_Proceedings of the International Conference of JALLA 2004 (VI Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana), Lima._C. García-Bedoya M., comp. Lima:_U. Nacional Mayor de San Marcos_/_Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar,_2005, pp. 663-686._ _ 05._" '...y las praderas nos recibían llamándonos...' El movimiento de reterritorialización en la poesía latinocanadiense de los años 90."_CONGRESO ABIERTO,_Actas del 40 Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas (2004). Web edition._ _ 04._"La dialógica re/desterritorializadora en los escritos utópicos de José Vasconcelos y Louis Riel."_Estudios literarios y tercer milenio. Actas del XII Congreso Internacional de Estudios Literarios (SOCHEL), J. Sánchez Villarroel and J. G. Araya Grandón, eds., Chillán, Chile:_U. del Bío-Bío,_2003. E-publication (CD-ROM)._ _ 03._"Los límites de la interpretación de la obra abierta." Orientaciones actuales de la crítica literaria y cultural, A. Cáceres Milnes and E. Morales Piña, eds., Valparaíso:_U. de Playa Ancha/U. de Poitiers,_2003, pp. 143-171._ _ 02._"Biografía de un cimarrón de Miguel Barnet/Esteban Montejo: la imposible y necesaria representación de la alteridad." Memorias y olvidos: autos y biografías (reales, ficticias) en la cultura hispánica, J. Pérez-Magallón, R. de la Fuente Ballesteros and K. M. Sibbald, eds., Series "Cultura Iberoamericana," vol. 16, Valladolid:_Universitas Castellae,_2003, pp. 129-146._ _ 01._"¿Saben los zorros 'lo que pasa en Chimbote y en el mundo'? La convocatoria de saberes tradicionales en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo." Proceedings of the International Conference of JALLA 1999 (IV Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana), E. Rosas Paravicino, ed.,_U. Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco P./Fondo Editorial Cronolibros,_2001, pp. 165-175._
"From Latin America to Quebec: Violence as an Irreducible Political Debate"/"De Latinoamérica a Quebec: la violencia, un debate irreductiblemente político"/"De l’Amérique latine au Québec: la violence, un débat irréductiblement politique" (in English, Spanish and French). Co-written with Martin Breaugh (York U.), André Corten (UQÀM), Charles Deslandes (UQÀM), Catherine Huart (UQÀM), Vanessa Molina (U. of Ottawa), and Ricardo Peñafiel (U. de Montréal). GRIPAL, May 2012.
"A manera de prólogo. Ahora eres de aquí. Y de allá."_Saravia, Alejandro._Lettres de Nootka._Montreal/Toronto: Art-Fact Press/La Enana Blanca, 2008, pp. 9-11.__ 04._"Ángel Rama. Writing across Cultures: Narrative Transculturation in Latin America. Edited and translated by David Frye. A book in the series Latin America Otherwise. Languages, Empires, Nations. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2012." Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (published by the Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies) 37.74, 2012._
_ 02._"The Contemporary Mexican Chronicle. Theoretical Perspectives on the Liminal Centre. Ed. Ignacio Corona and Beth E. Jörgensen"_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos_28.2, Winter 2004, pp. 435-437._ _ 01._"HALINA JANASZEK-IVANICKOVÁ AND DOUWE FOKKEMA, eds. Postmodernism in Literature and Culture of Central and Eastern Europe."_Literary Research_(published by the_International Comparative Literature Association)_28,_Fall-Winter 1997. Web edition._
_ 02._(French-Spanish) Wladimir Krysinski. "Los nuevos actantes de la literatura universal." Revista de Occidente._ 01._(French-Spanish) Guide to La lectura y la redacción en español. Manuel d'apprentissage, by Enriqueta Ribé and Mónica Zapata. Québec:_Télé-université,_1994._
_ 03._Wladimir Krysinski. El paradigma inquieto. Pirandello y el campo de la modernidad. Frankfurt am Main/Madrid: Vervuet Verlag/Iberoamericana, 1995._ _ 02._Enriqueta Ribé and Mónica Zapata. La lectura y la redacción en español. Manuel d'apprentissage. Québec:_Télé-université,_1994._ _ 01._Enriqueta Ribé (dir.). La conversación en español. Manuel d'apprentissage. Québec:_Télé-université,_1993._ |
ORGANIZATION OF COLLOQUIA AND CONFERENCES Chair of the first panel of the International Colloquium on Emancipación de (y por) los imaginarios en las Américas, organized jointly by GRIPAL (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine) and the Maestría de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos. Pontificia U. Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia), December 5th, 2019: "Populismo, representación y culturas populares." Participants in this panel: Ricardo Peñafiel (UQÀM), Mauro Basaure (U. Andrés Bello), and Eduardo Restrepo (Pontificia U. Javeriana)._
Designer and organizer of the one-day colloquium on "Saisir les mouvements populaires en Amérique latine: interpellation et mémoire plébéiennes, multitudes et pouvoir constituant." Congress of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS):_"Travelling Knowledges-Peoples-Solidarities." Carleton U.,_May 2013. Two panels (papers) and one round table. Activity related to the_FQRSC-funded research project "Expressions politiques de la souffrance en Amérique latine," _GRIPAL._(See "Grants," above.) Designer and organizer of the one-day colloquium on_"Amérique latine: ce que 'la plèbe' dit et fait."_80 Congrès de l'ACFAS_(Association francophone pour le savoir),_Montreal, May 2012. Two panels (papers) and one round table. Activity related to the_FQRSC-funded research project "Expressions politiques de la souffrance en Amérique latine," _GRIPAL._(See "Grants," above.)
debate_(70 minutes)_ Chair of the session on "Literaturas transversales."_International Colloquium on "Leer Latinoamérica hoy: ¿una descolonización imposible? Desafíos de poscolonialidad, otredad, representación y subalternidad."_U. Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), May 2011._ _ Designer and organizer of the session on "La representación del sufrimiento: ¿estrategia de victimización o de empoderamiento?"_XXIX International Congress_of_LASA_(Latin American Studies Association), Toronto, October 2010. Activity related to the_FQRSC-funded research project "Expressions politiques de la souffrance en Amérique latine," _GRIPAL._(See "Grants," above.)_ _ Designer and co-organizer (with Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar,_Ohio State U.)_of the panel on_"La representación del sufrimiento."_46th Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Concordia U.,_Montreal, May 2010. Activity related to the_FQRSC-funded research project "Expressions politiques de la souffrance en Amérique latine," _GRIPAL._(See "Grants," above.)_ _ Designer and organizer of the panel on "Representaciones de la violencia en las literaturas hispánicas."_45th Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Carleton U.,_Ottawa, May 2009. _ Chair of the second session (out of two) of the panel on "Símbolos identitarios nacionales presentes en la literatura hispánica moderna y contemporánea," designed and organized by Marta Manrique Gómez (Middlebury College)._45th Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Carleton U.,_Ottawa, May 2009._ Designer
and co-organizer (with Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar,_Ohio State U.)_of the panel on_"Imaginarios de la
Congress_of the_Canadian
Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Congress of the Social
Sciences and Humanities,_The U. of British
May-June 2008.
Designer and co-organizer (with Ulises
Juan Zevallos-Aguilar,_Ohio State U.)_of the session on_"Manipulaciones del
imaginario andino: De Pachakutik al indigenismo
'New Wave' " / "Manipulations of the Andean
imaginary: From Pachakutik to 'New Wave'
Congress_of_LASA_(Latin American Studies
Association), Montreal, September 5-8, 2007._
Chair of the session on "La postérité à l'oeuvre,"_Colloquium "Le travail de la postérité dans l'écriture de l'oeuvre,"_73 Congrès_de_l'ACFAS (Association francophone pour le savoir),_U. du Québec à Chicoutimi,_May 2005._ _ Designer and co-organizer of the International Colloquium on_"Dis/Location: Writing Exile / Migrancy / Nomadism / Bordercrossing."_ Department of Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_Montreal, May 5-7, 2005. 60 participants._ _ Chair of the session on "Programas universitarios de formación de profesores de español en secundaria,"_Colloquium "El español en Quebec: aspectos pedagógicos y sociolingüísticos."_Faculté des sciences de l'éducation_/_Département de littératures et de langues modernes,_U. de Montréal,_November 13, 2004._ _ Member of the organizing committee of../ACH/index.html the_workshop on "Enclosure of the Political in Latin America: Imaginary and Hegemonic Relationships."_GRIPAL (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine), October 2004. Keynote speakers: Ernesto Laclau and Renato Janine Ribeiro.
Chair of the session on "Vargas Llosa y los avatares de la razón." International Conference of_JALLA (VI Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana),_U. Nacional Mayor de San Marcos,_Lima, Peru, August 2004._ _ Co-organizer of the_40th Congress_of_the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. of Manitoba,_Winnipeg, May 29-June 1st 2004. 60 participants._ _ Designer and co-organizer of the joint panel_(the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_the_Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association_and_l'Association Canadienne des Sociologues et Anthropologues de Langue Française)_on "Canadá / Quebec y el espacio cultural latinoamericano."_39th Congress_of_the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Dalhousie U.,_Halifax, May 2003._ _ Chair of the session on "Sujetos y discursos en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea."_39th Congress_of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Dalhousie U.,_Halifax, May 2003._ _ Chair of the session on "Narrativa hispanoamericana." 37th Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. Laval,_Québec, May 2001._ _ Chair of the session on "Race and Ethnicity."_International Conference of the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies:_"The Americas Intertwined."_La Antigua, Guatemala, February 2001._ _ Designer and organizer of the session on "Utopías y exilios." 36th Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH).f_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. of Alberta,_Edmonton, May 2000._zaszz _ Chair of the session on "Oralidad, testimonio y culturas populares," designed and organized by María Inés Martínez_(Roosevelt U.,_Chicago). 36th Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_U. of Alberta,_Edmonton, May 2000._ _ Designer and organizer of the session on "La inscripción de la oralidad y de la diversidad cultural en la literatura hispánica." Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH)._Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Bishop's U. /U. de Sherbrooke, June 1999._ _ Chair of the session on "Imaginary and (Im)possible Spaces." Congress of the_Canadian Comparative Literature Association,_Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities,_Bishop's U./U. de Sherbrooke,_June 1999._ _ Co-organizer of Encuentros. Second Provincial Meeting of Teachers of Spanish._The U. of Calgary,_April 1999._ _ Designer and organizer of the panel on "Escribir el presente releyendo el pasado." 31st Congress of the_Canadian Association of Hispanists (CAH),_Learned Society Congress,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_May 1995._ |
CONFERENCE PAPERS 78. "Migración y poética de la Relación en la obra ensayística y novelística de Édouard Glissant." III Congreso Internacional de Teorías, Crítica e Historias Latinoamericanas, Centro de Estudios Literarios Antonio Cornejo Polar (CELACP), Lima (Peru), August 2019. |
LECTURES, PARTICIPATION IN COLLECTIVE PUBLIC EVENTS 23. Lecture: "Interpelaciones plebeyas: ¿entre voluntad isonómica de autoemancipación y pasión excluyente de desigualdad?" Online seminar on Pueblo, populismos e interpelaciones plebeyas. Organized jointly by GRIPAL (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine) and the Maestría de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, Pontificia U. Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia), February 26th, 2021. Interlocutors: Ricardo Peñafiel (UQÀM), Óscar Vega Camacho (U. Católica Boliviana), and Gerardo Silva (U. Federal do ABC). 22. Lecture: "Interpelación plebeya: ¿potencia alegremente constituyente o tristemente destituyente?" International Colloquium on Emancipación de (y por) los imaginarios en las Américas, second panel: "Interpelación plebeya: acciones colectivas y democracia." Organized jointly by GRIPAL and the Maestría de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, Pontificia U. Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia), December 5th, 2019. Other participants in this panel: Óscar Vega Camacho (U. Católica Boliviana), Gerardo Silva (U. Federal do ABC), and Ricardo Peñafiel (UQÀM). Videos 21. Lecture: "Las interpelaciones plebeyas: ¿de efímeras contestaciones a 'monstruosa' vía de transformación del mundo?" Second seminar of the International webseminar series on Émancipation de (et par les) imaginaires dans les Amériques. Organized jointly by GRIPAL and the Maestría de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, Pontificia U. Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia), November 1st, 2019. Interlocutor: Óscar Vega Camacho (U. Católica Boliviana); commentator: Gerardo Silva (U. Federal do ABC). Videos
19._Introduction of Santiago Castro-Gómez (Pontificia U. Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia): "Cuestiones problemáticas sobre el pensamiento decolonial." In the context of the MA/PhD seminar on "Decolonial Thought", Fall 2014. Concordia U. (Montreal), October 27, 2014. Video (lecture plus debate) available on Vimeo (170 minutes) 18._Introduction of María Inés Martínez (U. of Manitoba): "The Awakening of Black Communities in the Context of Violence in Colombia." In the context of the MA in Hispanic Studies Lecture Series. Concordia U. (Montreal), March 7, 2013. Video (lecture plus debate) available on YouTube and on Vimeo (85 minutes)
16._Lecture: critical reading of_Descolonización y transición_(Raúl Prada)._International Colloquium on Les printemps des peuples. Interpellation plébéienne, multitude et pouvoir constituant._Organized by_GRIPAL (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine)._Montreal, Grande Bibliothèque, October 17-19, 2012._ 15._Organization and introduction of Afro-Colombian grassroot leader Carlos Rosero’s lecture: "L’extractivisme à La Toma (Colombie): menace de mort et de dépossession pour la collectivité ancestrale." Debate organized by GRIPAL, U. du Québec à Montréal, February 2, 2012. Videos available on Vimeo: _ 14._Organization and introduction of Afro-Colombian grassroot leader Carlos Rosero’s lecture: "La Toma (Colombia): de poseedores históricos a amenazados." Lecture given in the framework of the course SPAN 470 ("Spanish America: Testimonio Discourse"), Concordia U.,_February 1st, 2012. Videos available on Vimeo: 13._Participation in roundtable: "Amérique latine entre récits de vie et littérature de fiction."_Comment on the book by André Corten and Vanessa Molina_Images incandescentes. Amérique latine: violence et expression politique de la souffrance_(Québec: Nota Bene, 2010), chapter 5: "Seulement ça."_Other participants:_Luis Filipe Aguilar_(U. de Montréal),_Jade Bourgages_(U. du Québec à Montréal),_Amaryll Chanady_(U. de Montréal),_José del Pozo_(U. du Québec à Montréal),_Carolina Ferrer_(U. du Québec à Montréal),_Viviana Fridman_(U. du Québec à Montréal),_Bertrand Gervais_(U. du Québec à Montréal),_Martin Hébert_(U. Laval),_Iphigénie Marcoux-Fortier (documentary filmmaker),_Lawrence Olivier_(U. du Québec à Montréal),_and_Ricardo Peñafiel_(Northwestern U.)._Montreal,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_February 2011._ _ 12._Comment on_"La lucha indígena de la Amazonía peruana en defensa de la vida en contra de las industrias extractivas,"_lecture by Lucas Cachay Huamán (Fundación Amazonas)._Debate organized by_GRIPAL_(Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine),_Montreal,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_March 2010._ _ 11._Comment on_"Pérou: Par-delà le Sentier; la violence et le politique,"_lecture by Alex Boissonneault._Debate organized by_GRIPAL, Montreal,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_January 2007._ _ 10._Lecture: "Alejandro Toledo: ¿de 'Inca' populista a Presidente antipopulista?"_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_February 2006._ _ 09._Lecture: "El intertexto precolonial y la transcultura poscolonial."_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_January 2005._ _ 08._Multimedia lecture, workshop: "Las tecnologías de información y comunicación al servicio de la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura en español." Multimedia lecture._Annual Conference_of_the_Association of Hispanists of the Atlantic Provinces,_Acadia U.,_Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology,_November 2002._ _ 07._Lecture: "Utopia and Deterritorialization in the New World: A Comparative Study of Utopian Projects by Exiles."_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_January 2000._ _ 06._Introduction of Mexican writer Silvia Molina and commentaries on her works. PanCanadian WordFest,_The U. of Calgary,_October 1999._ _ 05._Lecture: "El camino de Damasco pasa por la Amazonía. El paradigma de la conversión en El hablador de Mario Vargas Llosa."_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_December 1998._
_ 03._Lecture: "El hablador de Mario Vargas Llosa. Crónica de una conversión anunciada."_Department of French, Italian and Spanish,_The U. of Calgary,_February 1998._ _ 02._Lecture: "Searching for the Lost Limits of Interpretation." Semiotics and Communications Theory,_U. of Toronto,_March 1997._ _ 01._Lecture: "El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo, o la babelización del lenguaje."_Department of Spanish and Portuguese,_U. of Toronto, March 1996._ _
SERVICE Service to Concordia University
Member of the Department Curriculum Committee (DCC), Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, since September 2016. Member of the Department Tenure Committee_(DTC),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_since September 2004._ Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in German (LTA position, starting August 2021),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, April-May 2021._ Member of the Department Ethics and Research Committee_(DERC),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_September 2011-May 2019._ _ Member of the Department Personnel Committee_(DPC),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, June 2016-May 2018. Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish (LTA position, starting August 2018),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_April-May 2018._ Member of the Hispanic Studies Graduate Admissions Committee,_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, September 2009-December 2015._ Member of the Department Personnel Committee_(DPC),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, April 2011-December 2014. Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish, Translation (LTA position, starting August 2014),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_March-April 2014._ Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish, Language and Literature (LTA position, starting August 2014),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_March-April 2014._ _ _ Chair of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish, Peninsular (LTA position, starting August 2011),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_March-April 2011._ _ Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish (LTA position, starting August 2010),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_March-April 2010._ _ Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish (tenure-track position, starting July 2010),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_November 2009-February 2010._ _ Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish (LTA position, starting August 2009),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_March-April 2009._ _ Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish (tenure-track position, starting July 2009),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_December 2008-February 2009._ _ Member of the Chair Advisory Search Committee,_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_November 2007-April 2008._ _ Member of the ad hoc Hiring Committee in Spanish (tenure-track position, starting July 2008),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_November 2007-February 2008._ _ Member of the Department Research Committee_(DRC),_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_October 2000-June 2006._ _ Webmaster,_Hispanic pages_of the_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_June 2004-September 2007._ _ Webmaster,_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_June 2004-May 2006._ Internal
examiner, Carmen Puga-Peña, Special Individualized
Program M.A._(Spanish_and Applied Human
Sciences), School
Graduate Studies,_January-April
2006. Title of the thesis:_"The
Conditions of Older Latin American Immigrants in
Service to the University of Calgary
_ Member of the ad hoc selection committee in French (new position),_Department of French, Italian and Spanish,_November 1999-June 2000._ _ Member of the ad hoc selection committee in Spanish (new position),_Department of French, Italian and Spanish,_1999-March 2000._ _ Library Coordinator, Spanish section,_Department of French, Italian and Spanish,_October 1999-March 2000._ _ Member of the ad hoc committee to compile data and write a report on the Latin American Studies Group Research Strength,_Latin American Studies Group,_Department of French, Italian and Spanish,_February-April 1999._
Service to the Community: External _ Professional Association Positions
_ Secretary of the_Asociación Canadiense Crítica Literaria sobre las Escritoras Hispanoamericanas (CCLEH),_November 2001-May 2010._ Graduate Thesis Committee Member
_ Member of the Examining Committee, Miguel Iván Barradas, M.A. in Hispanic Studies,_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_April 2012. Title of the thesis: "Horizontes hispánicos en l’écriture transmigrante de Montreal." _ Member of the Examining Committee, Talía Molina, M.A. in Hispanic Studies,_Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics,_Concordia U.,_April 2012. Title of the thesis: "La interacción castellano-quechua: hacia una comprensión lingüística, ideológica y cultural del fenómeno de “imposición” del castellano del Perú." _ Member of the jury, Hernán Fernández-Meardi, Ph.D. in General and Comparative Literature,_Département de littérature comparée,_U. de Montréal,_May-October 2010. Title of the dissertation:_"La razón de los tontos: protagonismo de los grupos subalternos en la formación de una conciencia de unidad nacional en Latinoamérica."_ _ Member of the committee of the qualifying oral examination for Ph.D. degree, Juan Pablo Ortiz Hernández,_Department of French, Italian and Spanish,_The U. of Calgary,_January-April 2010._ _ External evaluator, Salvador Leetoy, Ph.D. in Cultural Studies,_Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies,_U. of Alberta,_March-April 2008. Title of the dissertation:_"El espejo neozapatista: Reflexión y refracción del sujeto cultural indígena en México."_ _ Internal examiner, Carmen Puga-Peña, Special Individualized Program M.A._(Spanish_and_Applied Human Sciences),_School of Graduate Studies,_Concordia U.,_January-April 2006. Title of the thesis:_"The Living Conditions of Older Latin American Immigrants in Montreal."_ _ External evaluator, Sophie Gélinas, M.A. in Political Science,_Département de science politique,_U. du Québec à Montréal,_October 2005-February 2006. Title of the thesis:_"Routes et tracées de l'identité: analyse du discours martiniquais et réflexions sur le parcours de l'identité collective."_ _ Member of the committee of the qualifying oral examination for Ph.D. degree, Hernán Fernández-Meardi,_Département de Littérature Comparée,_U. de Montréal,_September 2005._ _ External evaluator, Hernán Fernández-Meardi, M.A. in Comparative Literature,_Département de Littérature Comparée,_U. de Montréal,_January-May 2003. Title of the thesis:_"La violence du récit ou le récit de la violence: articulation de la violence narrative dans La traición de Rita Hayworth et L'avalée des avalés."_ _ External evaluator, Adam Spires, Ph.D. in Cultural Studies,_Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies,_U. of Alberta,_October 2000-January 2001. Title of the dissertation:_"Writing Utopia/Dystopia in Acadia and Aztlán: The Novels of Claude LeBouthillier and Alejandro Morales."_
See also_Graduate Thesis Supervision Consultative & Evaluation Activities External referee,_Persephone Braham's_promotion_(U. of Delaware,_Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures),_June-August 2019._ Editorial Work
_ Member of the Editorial Board of the Cahiers des imaginaires (published by the_GRIPAL-Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine),_since April 2012._ _ Member (External Advisor) of the_Editorial Board_of_Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos_(published by the_Hispanic Studies Graduate Program_of the_U. of Western Ontario),_since July 2011._ _ Member of the_Editorial Board_of_the_Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies_(published by the_Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies), September 2004-September 2024._ __ Member of the_Editorial Board_of_the_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos_(published by the_Canadian Association of Hispanists), January 2006-December 2018. _ Peer evaluator of the_Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos,_since September 1999._ _ Peer evaluator of the_Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (published by the_Canadian Comparative Literature Association),_1998-2008._ _ Co-director (with Martin Hébert,_U. Laval)_of the Cahier des imaginaires 7.10, monograph on "Souffrance et politique," José Antonio Giménez Micó and Martin Hébert (dirs.). Montréal: GRIPAL, December 2012. Contributors: Leila Celis (U. of Ottawa), André Corten (U. du Québec à Montréal), Benoit Décary-Secours (U. of Ottawa) and Tania Faustino Da Costa (U. du Québec à Montréal), Marie-Christine Doran (U. of Ottawa), José Antonio Giménez Micó (Concordia U. / The U. of Calgary /_U. Laval), Martin Hébert (U. Laval)._ Co-editor (with Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar, Ohio State U.) of the monograph on "Imaginarios de la violencia," Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 34.1 (Fall 2009). Contributors: Sarah Babovic (California State U., Long Beach), Pierre Beaucage (U. de Montréal), Asunción Bernárdez Rodal (U. Complutense), Rodja Bernardoni (U. Degli Studi di Siena), André Corten (U. du Québec à Montréal), Viviana Fridman (U. du Québec à Montréal), José Antonio Giménez Micó (Concordia U. / The U. of Calgary), Antonio Gómez L-Quiñones (Dartmouth College), Gélase Koumba (U. de Perpignan Via Domitia), Victorien Lavou Zoungbo (U. de Perpignan Via Domitia), Marlène Marty (U. de Perpignan Via Domitia), Susan Mooney (U. of South Florida), Ana María Mutis (Denison University), María Helena Rueda (Smith College), Lisa Vollendorf (California State U., Long Beach), Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar (Ohio State U.)._ Editor
ABIERTO, Actas de los Congresos 40
a 47 de
la_Asociación Canadiense
de Hispanistas (2004 to 2012)._Web
edition._ |
2025 José Antonio Giménez Micó |