... Toni, as he prefers to be called, has distinguished himself with a large and outstanding teaching commitment in Hispanic Studies. He has gone above and beyond what is required of him to ensure success in academic student life, proven being an exceptionally reliable, resourceful and dedicated professor not only for Concordia graduate and undergraduate students but also for many former Concordia students in their pursuit of a PhD degree. The Hispanic Studies Graduate Students Association has always counted on him when an advisor is needed.
Professor Giménez Micó’s outstanding qualities make him a worthy and deserving person to receive this year´s Concordia Outstanding Contribution Award.
Graduate Courses:
- In Concordia U. (Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics):
- SPAN 601. "Discourse Analysis and Research Methods" (Winter 2016, M.A. course)
- SPAN 622. "In-Depth Reporting in Spanish Oral Presentations and Written Submissions" (Winter 2003, M.A. tutorial for Carmen Puga-Peña)
- SPAN 633S. "The Inscription of Orality and Cultural Diversity in Latin American Literature" (Fall 2004-Winter 2005, M.A. tutorial for Lidia Cuccia)
- SPAN 644 / HUMA 876. "Decolonial Thought" (Fall 2014, M.A./Ph.D. course)
- SPAN 662. "Plebeian Interpellation and Subalternity" (Fall 2011 and Winter 2013, M.A. course)
- SPAN 682. "Conciencia e intencionalidad en Gallego, novela-testimonio de Miguel Barnet" (Summer 2018, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Nathalie Roy)
- SPAN 682. "Una lectura lockeana de un cuento cortazariano/A Lockean reading of Julio Cortázar's Axolotl' " (Summer 2017, co-supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Louise Sheils)
- SPAN 682. "La tierra y la sombra: cuerpo, espacio y enfermedad" (Winter 2017, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Nadia Silva Hurtado)
- SPAN 682. "Ambigüedad y abyección de la mirada colonial en La ruta de Arturo Barea" (Winter 2016, evaluation of M.A. research paper by Leonor Pérez Martínez)
- SPAN 683. "El lugar más triste para soñar: una evidencia literaria sobre la deconstrucción de la identidad desde el exilio" (Summer 2018, co-supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Paula Ruiz Briones)
- SPAN 683. "Los límites metafísicos de los personajes ficticios de un cuento neofantástico/Metaphysical Boundaries of Fictional Characters in a Neofantastic Short Story" (Summer 2017, co-supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Louise Sheils)
- SPAN 683. "La voz femenina en ¡Que viva la música!: de la contracultura al feminismo" (Winter 2017, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Nadia Silva Hurtado)
- SPAN 683. "El Maleconazo desde la perspectiva de la interpelación y de la memoria plebeyas" (Winter 2016, supervision and evaluation of M.A. research paper by Vilma Vidal García)
- SPAN 683. "Interacción, empatía, altruismo, reciprocidad y retribución: una relectura del capítulo XXXIV de El caballero del cisne" (Fall 2016, evaluation of M.A. research paper by Francisco García González)
- SPAN 694. "Thesis Proposal" (Fall 2011, M.A. tutorial for Douglas Kristopher Smith co-taught with Hugh Hazelton)
- SPAN 695. "Thesis" (Winter 2012, M.A. tutorial for Douglas Kristopher Smith co-taught with Hugh Hazelton)
- HUMA 875N. "Literature, Colonialism and Drug Trafficking Culture" (Summer 2014, Study Tutorial for Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya, Ph.D. in Humanities, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture)
- Huma876/Span644. "Decolonial Thought" (Fall 2014, M.A./Ph.D. course)
- HUMA 885A. Comprehensive Examination Major Field (Winter 2014, Abelardo León Donoso, Ph.D. in Humanities, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture)
- HUMA 885A. Comprehensive Examination Major Field (Winter 2017, Aurelio Meza Valdez, Ph.D. in Humanities, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture)
- In the U. of Calgary (French, Italian & Spanish):
- Span699_08. "Advanced Translation" (Winter 2000, tutorial for Nancy Cloutier)
- Span699_35. "The Inscription of Orality and Cultural Diversity in Latin American Literature" (Fall 1998, Winter 2000)
- In the U. Laval (Département des littératures):
- "Esp-66583. Metodología de la investigación en literaturas hispánicas." Collaborative teaching course with Emilia Deffis (coordinator), Manuel Español Echevarría, Francisco Jarque Andrés, Louis Jolicoeur, Ricardo Serrano Deza, Ignacio Soldevila Durante, and Luis Thenon. Fall 2003
- "Esp-66583. Metodología de la investigación en literaturas hispánicas." Collaborative teaching course with Emilia Deffis (coordinator), Daniel Castillo Durante, Augusto Escobar Mesa, Louis Jolicoeur, Alexandre Sadetsky, Ignacio Soldevila Durante, Luis Thenon, Peter Thompson, and Javier Vargas de Luna. Fall 2005 (U. Laval, Faculté des Lettres, Département des littératures)
I have been an active participant in graduate studies by serving in several ways (please see my CV for details):
- as the supervisor of Camilo Andrés Martín Flórez, Research Intern (Academic Visitor), Ph.D. in Film Studies, Department of Visual, Performing, and Media Arts, U. di Bologna (Italy), August 2020-July 2021; project on Colombian Silent Cinema;
- as a member of the committee of the qualifying candidacy oral examination for Ph.D. degree, Roxane Maiorana, Département d’études littéraires, U. du Québec à Montréal, May-June 2020;
- as the Chair of the Examining Committee, Éric Desautels, Ph.D. in Humanities (Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia U.), February 2019;
- as the external evaluator of Roxane Maiorana's M.A. thesis in Literary Studies, Département d'études littéraires, U. du Québec à Montréal, February-April 2018;
- as the co-supervisor and one of the two evaluators of Louise Sheils, two research papers (SPAN 682 and SPAN 683), M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., Summer 2017;
- as the co-supervisor and one of the two evaluators of Nadia Silva Hurtado, two research papers (SPAN 682 and SPAN 683), M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., Winter 2017)
- as a member of the committee of the qualifying candidacy oral examination for Ph.D. degree, Diogo Rodrigues de Barros, Département d’histoire de l’art, U. de Montréal, December 2016;
- as a member of the Supervisory Committee, Jennifer Faucher, Ph.D. Individualized Program (Spanish), School of Graduate Studies, Concordia U. Title of the thesis: "The Role of the Pícaro in the Autobiographical Picaresque Novel from the Spanish Golden Age to its Influences in Contemporary Culture", since Winter 2016;
- as the Major Field supervisor of Abelardo León Donoso, Ph.D. in Humanities (Centre for Intersdiscipliary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia U.), September 2013-September 2016. Title of the dissertation: "Homomercracia. Social Change and Sexual Diversity in Times of Emerging Neoliberalism in Chile";
- as the Major Field supervisor of Aurelio Meza, Ph.D. in Humanities (Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia U.), September 2014-August 2020. Title of the dissertation: "Sound Works: Prototyping a Digital Audio Repository for Sound Poetics in Mexico";
- as the Major Field supervisor of Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya, Ph.D. in Humanities (Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia U.), since September 2013;
- as a member of the Hispanic Studies Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics, September 2009-December 2015;
- as the co-supervisor (with Hugh Hazelton) of Douglas Kristopher Smith's thesis, M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics, September 2011-April 2012;
- as the supervisor of Nancy Cloutier's M.A. thesis in Spanish, Department of French, Italian and Spanish, The U. of Calgary, February 1999-January 2001;
- as the supervisor of Miguel Báez Durán's M.A. thesis in Spanish, Department of French, Italian and Spanish, The U. of Calgary, September 1998-August 2000;
- as one of the two evaluators of Francisco García González, research paper (SPAN 683), M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., Fall 2016;
- as the supervisor and one of the two evaluators of Vilma Vidal García, research paper (SPAN 683), M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., Winter 2016;
- as one of the two evaluators of Leonor Pérez Martínez, research paper (SPAN 682), M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., Winter 2016;
- as a member of the Examining Committee, James Buchanan, M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., May 2016;
- as the external evaluator of Luis Henríquez's Ph.D. dissertation in Comparative Literature (Hispanic Literature), Département de littératures et de langues du monde, U. de Montréal, September 2015-January 2016;
- as the external evaluator of Yuri Moreno Rodríguez's M.A. thesis in Political Science, Département de science politique, U. du Québec à Montréal, May-July 2014;
- as a member of the Examining Committee, Jean-Alix René, Ph.D. in History, Department of History, Concordia U., April 2014;
- as a member of the Examining Committee, Augusto Gutiérrez, M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., August 2013;
- as a member of the jury of Marie-Pier Guay, M.A. en littératures d’expression espagnole, Département des littératures, U. Laval, September-November 2012;
- as a member of the Examining Committee, Douglas Kristopher Smith, M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., April 2012;
- as a member of the Examining Committee, Miguel Iván Barradas, M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., April 2012;
- as a member of the Examining Committee, Talía Molina, M.A. in Hispanic Studies, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia U., April 2012;
- as a member of the jury of Hernán Fernández-Meardi's Ph.D. dissertation in General and Comparative Literature, Département de Littérature Comparée, U. de Montréal, July-October 2010;
- as a member of the committee of the qualifying oral examination for PhD degree, Juan Pablo Ortiz Hernández, Department of French, Italian and Spanish, The U. of Calgary, April 2010;
- as the external evaluator of Salvador Leetoy's Ph.D. dissertation in Cultural Studies, Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, U. of Alberta, March-April 2008;
- as a member of the Supervisory Committee for the Special Individualized M.A. for Carmen Puga-Peña, Spanish and Applied Human Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, Concordia U., Summer 2002-Winter 2006;
- as the external evaluator of Sophie Gélinas' M.A. thesis in Political Science, Département de science politique, U. du Québec à Montréal, October 2005-February 2006;
- as the external evaluator of Hernán Fernández-Meardi's M.A. thesis in General and Comparative Literature, Département de Littérature Comparée, U. de Montréal, January-May 2003;
- as the external evaluator of Adam Spires' Ph.D. dissertation in Cultural Studies, Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies, U. of Alberta, January 2001.
Moreover, I hold an Adjunct Professorship at the University of Calgary, and held a similar position of Professeur associé at the Université Laval between 2011 and 2019. Both non-remunerated positions have allowed me to be involved in the graduate programs of the School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures (The U. of Calgary) and the Département des littératures (U. Laval).
2025 José Antonio Giménez Micó