CCSL Award Night, April 3, 2014
Feedback and Availability.
Two Keys of our Students' Success

One of the aspects that makes Concordia a very special community is owing to its diversity, in terms of origin, background, and age of our students. This diversity is particularly obvious in Spanish courses with high enrolment. Students' diversity means the individual treatment is essential for a student's success in a course; in a language or literature class of twenty-five or thirty students, individual needs and abilities can vary quite widely, especially at the outset of a course. That is why I consider each student deserves a personalized treatment according to his or her needs and interests; personalized attention can only occur partially during class time, where the emphasis tends to be on the collective. In order to provide personalized treatment, I rely on two dimensions of the student-professor relationship: feedback and availability.

With respect to feedback, I don't make a difference between mandatory and optional assignments: I carefully analyze all the work and provide my students with a reasoned, personalized and encouraging feedback which is sometimes larger than their assignments! This time-intensive work reaps benefits: I can appreciate improvement in most of my students throughout the term, and they show in their comments that they appreciate it.

Concerning availability, I constantly encourage my students to approach me after class to make specific appointment times and I offer to speak with any student who simply drops by my office. Furthermore, my students know that they can simply send me an e-mail message and I am going to reply very soon to answer their questions or to make an appointment which fits their schedule. As many of Concordia students work on a full-time basis, my schedule is so flexible that, to my knowledge, I have always been able to meet with a student within a week after she or he asked for an appointment.

2025  José Antonio Giménez Micó
